Important decision by the WAFC Board 4.12.06

Due to the team’s success to date and in backing the supporters excellent contributions to support Jim, the Board have agreed that the budget will be maintained.<br><br>GE<br>

e i e i e i o its up the football league we go, and when we win promotion this is what we’ll sing, WE ARE WITTON WE ARE WITTON WE ARE FOOTBALL KINGS!!!

Fantastic news,and with the continued support of you guys we will carry on keeping our end up! <br><br>Andy, Jim and Len.<br><br>

That’s great news and you can count on my continued support when and wherever possible.

I and i am sure that there are plenty of supporters out there appreciate the board in backing Jim and his team.<br>It had a lot to do with you the supporters giving to help our mission to ensure Witton move forward.<br>I would like to thank all of you that have helped so far, [smiley=banane.gif]and hope that many more now come forward and carry on the good work

:smiley: No doubt the ?6,000 prize money gained from Albion’s mini FA Cup run plus a further ?6,350 from progressing (thus far) to the 1st Round Proper of the FA Trophy will have helped big time in balancing the budgets.<br><br>And another ?4,000 if the Albion win at Woodley on 16th December (!)

Absolutely awesome news!!! A big well done has to go to evryone who has helped in raisng the money and i look forward to cheering on the team when i am back home over christmas!! Starting away at Woodley! Come on Witton!!

I will continue with my ?1 a point until the end of the season and will donate a ?5 for FA Trophy wins and ?3 for League Cup wins, beat Vics and I will make it a tenner!!!<br>WHS.

Ditto - I will definitely contribute if I ever pay off all my debts still left over from uni.<br><br>Will be back for Fleetwood away, hurrah!

If you are anything like my son was when he left Uni it will be some time before you clear all your debts, meanwhile us oldies will keep the ball rolling until then. Best of luck with your studies, I am just completing a Research Masters, hope to get an MA next year.<br>WHS.

Impressive stuff - I am a glutton for punishment, studying to be a chartered accountant. Should help pay the debts quicker though!