
Any news on any of the following?<br>Liam McGuire<br>Ste Connors<br>Andy Syder<br>Adam Foy<br>Gary Furnival<br>Rob Lloyd<br>Nicky Maynard<br>Lee Spike<br><br>

Regarding Nicky Maynard and Rob Lloyd, both are ineligible for the Senior Cup tomorrow night.<br><br>The word is that they are possibly lining up for Crewe in their Semi Final against Stalybridge.<br><br>Steve Connors three match ban begins on Saturday with the visit to Ossett. Not sure about Liam McGuire and Andy Syder but Adam Foy has had the plaster removed from his broken leg.<br><br>Heard from a Prescot supporter on Saturday that it was reported in their local paper, Lee Spike is training with Marine.

i spoke to liam today an he’s not been home after the match due to the doctors at fazakerley hospital keeping him in, he has had a x-ray which shows he’s broken a bone in his foot, an he’ll have another scan tomorrow because they think he’s broken another bone in his foot that doesnt show up on a x ray, so hope u get betta soon an have a quick recovery.