International ?

Anyone know what time the england s/b match kicks off I am working in scotland that day and have promised my lad I will be back ::slight_smile:

Not really sure why more info hasn’t been posted re this match however the bit below should answer most queries.<br><br> <br>Witton?s Wincham Park Stadium will on FRIDAY MARCH 4th be the venue for England Schools FA Under 18?s only home International as part of the Centenary Shield season. Their other two matches being played in Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.<br><br> To gauge the quality of what England?s players may aspire to then previous seasons has seen Michael Owen, Jermain Defoe, Wes Brown and Trevor Brooking all win caps representing England at School?s Level. For this season the ESFA Chairman John Abson is quoted as saying ?It is one of the best teams we have ever assembled for years and we are optimistic of winning the Shield.?<br><br>The match against Northern Ireland kicks off at 7pm and the admission prices have been set as ?5 Adult and ?3 Child. Advanced tickets are available and one outlet where they can be purchased is from Witton Albion itself. <br><br>

Cheers must admit not seen anything in the press about this one! would be nice to get decent support for the kids and really quite a honor to be held at WP

Re the press the Northwich Chronicle has been featuring the match - together with a mascot competition - over the past three weeks.

Sorry bout that, I (unfortunatly like half of northwich) dont get the chronicle may have to change if they offer more coverage at WP