is it sign of things to come?.

just copied off gresleys site.

Club Statement

24th April 2009
From Mark Harrison Chairman of Gresley Rovers

To try and avoid any further speculation I would like to give you a definitive and official view on the future of Gresley Rovers FC:

I would like to take this opportunity to confirm that due to the cost and our limited income we have chosen to resign from the UniBond League (Northern Premier League) and will therefore be playing at a lower level in non-league’s pyramid next season.

We hope that the genuine Gresley fans, who have supported us through a troubled season, will understand the situation and I would like to point out that the decision has been reached in consultation with other bodies including the UniBond League and the Football Association.

We are unable to say at which level we will begin next season until after we have resolved our crippling debt and our future should then be determined on 14th May by the football authorities.

The club has carefully considered many options but the Board see that the only way for us to make a new beginning is to start from scratch and I can assure everyone that whilst I am Chairman we will live within our means.

You may be thinking what has happened to the plans to move to a new ground? I can honestly say those plans are part of Gresley’s long term financial well being but, for the moment we need to play in a league we are comfortable in at the Moat Ground, before looking to move forward again.

My Vice Chairman Barry North deserves a lot of credit for his selfless dedication over the last twelve months but there is one other ‘volunteer’ I would particularly like to praise. The current Manager, Gary Norton, who has received no pay since the autumn.

Gaz has faced some tough times during his six years with the club but none quite as tough as the season we are about to complete. He deserves enormous credit and I hope he will be managing the side in 2009/10 and beyond.

For those who I see over the next few days please feel free to talk things through although there is little more I can add at present I shall continue to work with David Rider and Rob Mansfield to ensure the latest news is posted on this website.

Mark Harrison

well said mr harrison, the club comes first. i can see other clubs following suite soon.

and we think that we have problems by just being relegated.

Posted: Sat Apr 25 2009 7:17am


it was always going to happen all i can say is the support we normally get next season please keep coming lets get behind the club and send them back to where we belong.
come on lads dont put your heads down

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Board Newbie

Joined: 10 Sep 2005
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat Apr 25 2009 8:32am


I think the fact that you did not finish bottom and that you will still exist next season (albeit at a lower level) reflects great credit on all involved at the club.
We Goolies have had some great battles with the Rovers over the years and lets hope its not too long before you’re back where you belong and we can let normal service resume.

All the best for the future!!!

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Joined: 12 Dec 2007
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Location: albertvillager
Posted: Tue Apr 28 2009 8:45pm


Do we still have the debts and do we start with minus points?Surely if we still have the debts we’re not going to be much better off as the gate charges will surely be a lot lower.I’ll still keep coming as I know a lot of regulars will ut I’d just like to know the debt and points situation.

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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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Location: goseley
Posted: Tue Apr 28 2009 9:43pm


foxesfan wrote:
Do we still have the debts and do we start with minus points?Surely if we still have the debts we’re not going to be much better off as the gate charges will surely be a lot lower.I’ll still keep coming as I know a lot of regulars will ut I’d just like to know the debt and points situation.

same ere how much we talking?

never question my commitment to this club!

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Manc Moatman
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006
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Posted: Tue Apr 28 2009 9:53pm


wonk wrote:
same ere how much we talking?

The Burton Mail says this:

However, they would have to pay off a certain amount of their debt, thought to be in the region of £400,000, with football creditors — such as players owed wages — receiving priority.

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Board Newbie

Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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Location: goseley
Posted: Tue Apr 28 2009 10:29pm


Manc Moatman wrote:
wonk wrote:
same ere how much we talking?

The Burton Mail says this:

However, they would have to pay off a certain amount of their debt, thought to be in the region of £400,000, with football creditors — such as players owed wages — receiving priority.

surley this season we have paid an awfull lot of that off

never question my commitment to this club!

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Manc Moatman
Board Regular (nearly)

Joined: 07 Feb 2006
Posts: 97
Location: Back in Swad
Posted: Wed Apr 29 2009 7:45am


wonk wrote:
surley this season we have paid an awfull lot of that off

I’m led to believe by someone far more knowledgable about these things than I, that the Inland Revenue charges very high rates of interest and imposes punitive penalties on late payments. The informed opinion is that reducing the budget will have only scratched the surface of the debt.

That’s assuming, of course, that the Burton Mail is correct. I’ll be honest and thought that the debt was only £250K.

now thats what i call problems, good luck to them.

Grasping at straws here, but does that mean if the Cammells get relegated, Whitby are reprieved and then with Grisley Gresley going, a reprieve for the mighty Albion?

I say Grisley Gresley, but what a great old-fashioned ground and great people - many happy memories of going there. I’d like to wish them all the best for the future.

With Gresley being in Div 1 South, then i can’t see it affecting us?

Our best hope is a Blue Square North Team folding or something like that.

worksop aint got a ground at the moment, this could lead to them going down??

3 pts out of the last 24 has cost us Big Time in more means than one !

I think Worksop have agreed groundshare with Stocksbridge? Not sure if that woul still apply if Stocksbridge gained promotion though?! COME ON STOCKSBRIDGE!!!

statement below just copied off unibond web.

Woodley Sports - Press Statement Re Stockport County 01/05/2009

Woodley Sports would like to make the following Press Statement:

Following the announcement made yesterday, Thursday 30th April 2009, that Stockport County FC had gone into administration, Woodley Sports FC would like to make public the knock on effect this has on the club.

In December 2005, Woodley Sports sold Liam Dickinson to Stockport County in a deal that included a 20% future sell on clause.

When Liam was then transferred to Derby County in the summer of 2008 for a sum reported to be about £750,000 Woodley Sports approached Stockport County to enter into negotiations for the payment of this clause.

From that day until yesterday, Woodley Sports have assisted Stockport County by agreeing to defer the whole payment due, based on Stockport County’s inability to release the whole amount due and agreed to a payment plan spread over two years.

Yesterday’s announcement effectively has terminated this arrangement and leaves Woodley Sports with a substantial amount of money owed to them.

Woodley Sports have enjoyed a very good relationship with Stockport County in recent years and their soccer academy are the main hirer at the Neil Rourke Stadium, with over 300 youngsters enjoying professional coaching three nights a week, under Stockport County’s academy name.

With this academy now being disbanded on Wednesday evening, not only is the future looking bleak for these young children, but Woodley Sports have to assess whether they can survive this loss of major funding.

An emergency board meeting took place last night, following which Chairman Tony Whiteside has stated that the future of Woodley Sports FC is in grave doubt.

“For a club of our size, operating on an annual turnover of £75k, the loss of this income is devastating. I had secured the club’s short term future for the next three years with this money, enabling me to build a football club that promotes local youngsters and field three teams each weekend at Unibond Division One North, Lancit Lancashire League and the North West Youth Alliance League. Exciting plans in the summer to extend links with Stockport College in bringing on board two College Teams at U18’s and U21’s are now in serious doubt.”

"The Directors of Stockport County have known all along what this money meant to a club of our stature and we continued to support them throughout their financial difficulties by agreeing not to pursue the whole payment up front. I am very disappointed at the moment and have to address all the players and staff at next week’s presentation evening.

In the present economic climate I just don’t know how we can replace this loss and the next few days are going to decide our future."

Tony Whiteside


Woodley Sports FC

theres going to be a few more that will feel the pinch soon.

Are there going to be any clubs left to play? What is the situation at Scum? I take it he cannot find the money, otherwise it would have been all over the Guardian.

this problem with hyde rings a bell. (players on contract).

The Club has received notice of commencement of winding-up proceedings issued by HM Revenue and Customs in respect of unpaid taxes, to be heard in the High Court on 20 May. In order to settle all its liabilities, including HMRC, the club needs to secure funding of around £200,000.

The arrears have arisen largely as a result of the club’s obligations to players contracted to the end of last season, which were untenable following withdrawal of financial support from its former holding company for reasons outside the control of the football club. All those contracts have now come to an end, and the club has set a realistic and achievable budget for the coming season.

The directors have worked tirelessly over the past couple of weeks to try to pull together funding to satisfy the liability, and have already secured pledges for around one third of the balance due. The Chairman has had supportive discussions with HMRC, who recognise that the club is making progress in raising funds, and have indicated that if progress continues to be made they would not object to a postponement of the hearing to allow the club more time to reach settlement.

The club is also in dialogue with the Football Conference and will seek to reach agreement with HMRC within any deadline set by the League which would enable the club to remain in whichever league for which it qualifies as a result of its league position last season, without entering an insolvency event.

The club would be grateful to hear from anyone interested in helping the club to secure its future. Any pledges made will not be taken up until agreement with HMRC is reached.

Football at the top level is awash with money whilst at the grassroots it is poverty stricken. It is about time the money in the game was spread around more evenly, the FA should step in if it wants to keep grassroots football alive.

just copied off newcastle blue star site.

Newcastle Blue Star Press Statement

Following the FSIF persistence in claiming the repayment of grant monies totalling £65,000, which accumulates to 10 years back, lack of local support, and the announcement made regarding Bob Morton on Thursday 30th April 2009, that he was stepping down and retiring from local football, Newcastle Blue Star FC would like to make public the knock on effect this has on the club.

In April 2006, Newcastle Blue Star were approached by the Football Association to join a newly formed “North Division” of the Henkel sponsored UniBond League, to consider such a move Newcastle Blue Star would have to re-locate their own playing arrangement to Kingston Park Stadium, there was also the promise of support towards the costs of the travel when it was determined that Newcastle Blue Star F.C. would be the only “local” club making this move, this was totally supported by both The Football Association & The UniBond League

From that day until yesterday, Newcastle Blue Star have put forward the reasons as to why they should not be required to make any return on payment to the FSIF for grants that were attained to improve the then “Wheatsheaf Ground” in deed when applying for grants 1 of the questions you have to fulfil is:-

Who will benefit from the application ? Answer: the 150 kids, Newcastle Blue Star Sunday team and the Newcastle Blue Star over 40’s, all of which still utilise the ground to this day.

In order for the football club to continue the Football Association must sanction a “transfer of membership” and is refusing to endorse this while there is this claim.

Yesterday’s announcement effectively puts questions on the future of Newcastle Blue Star with a substantial amount of money that is being alleged to be repaid…

An emergency board meeting will take place next week with the board of directors of Newcastle Blue Star Ltd, although Secretary Jim Anderson has stated that the future of Newcastle Blue Star FC is in grave doubt.

"The Directors of the FSIF have known all along what this money meant to a club of our stature and we continued to supply reasons as to why this money should and could not be reclaimed, I am very disappointed at the moment and have advised all the players that if they receive offers from other clubs they should treat them seriously

In the present economic climate I just don’t know how we can repay such an amount of money to the FSIF and run a successful football club without the local support and financial backing from local business men over the next few days we are going to decide our future, which may confirm the demise of NEWCASTLE BLUE STAR FOOTBALL CLUB."

Jim Anderson, Secretary, Newcastle Blue Star FC

09/05/2009 16:28

also this off their forum.

Is it the end - Bluestar are no longer???

bluelou 09/05/2009 16:13:26
I have info that a meeting took place today at the ground where the players were informed that the cub no longer will not be supported (financially) next year and therefore will not take its place in next years Unibond Premier League or any other league next year??

I dont know what everyone else has heard or knows

This all appears genuine, unfortunately.

Players in the bar having a few beers etc.

MrBlueStar 09/05/2009 16:15:48
i’ve heard this as