Is there any chance...

that i, as a U15s player, could ever get scouted for witton. i play for the junior teams and i wondered if witton scouts ever came and watched because did not notice any thisseasn, playing non league football for witton would be a dream for me, i dnt understand these people who mess up a premiership footbal lcareer when theres peeps like me who dreams of playing in the lower leagues, anyway, does anyone know about this

There is every chance. The junior section of the club must provide an exit route to all of its players (part of the charter standard club award) ideally you would have been able to progress to the youth team that was unfortunately disbanded at the end of last season.

You should speak to your manager (Colin Wright I beleive) have a chat on your current situation/playing ability and ask him for the Neil Gils (reserves manager)contact details, then speak to him and hopefully train with the reserves.

Jim Vince does keep an eye on the reserves unlike previous managers

Or get yourself down and play for the supporter’s team, then we’ll have a word in Jim Vince’s ear for you!!

that sounds like a good idea, has any1 got any contact details for the supporters team?