It's a travesty

Those lovely people from down the road who like posting here seem to be rather silent at the moment, but I’ve been in touch with three of them, and here’s what they had to say.<br><br>PeterMellor<br><br>"Northwich Vics have been relegated on a simple technicality for being on an unsound financial footing, and are STILL above Witton. If that doesn’t show ambition, I don’t know what does!!!<br><br>I’m using "unsound" to mean…<br><br>weak - not solid or dependable - likely to collapse.<br><br>The FA’s decision is a disgrace, like your (sorry, I mean "our" - I am a neutral) car park… FACT.<br><br>In the line of business I’m in (just to remind you I was the Financial Accountant of a large American Company with a ?500 million turnover, and very often now holiday in the Carribean), decisions like that would mean instant dismissal… FACT.<br><br>A very unprofessional decision, if I might say so. The FA did not play with a straight bat at all. Which reminds me, I’ll have more time to watch Lancashire now that the other fellas I normally watch football with have told me they’re "not going to watch a load of Conference North crp".<br><br>Shame on the FA!!! If big Lal Hilditch had been sitting at his computer, surfing the net, waiting for the decision of the Conference AGM, as soon as he saw that travesty of an announcement he’d have been down there as fast as a Mike Atherton cover drive used to race to the boundary. And let me tell you, he’d have knocked every one of their tiny little wooden heads together until that shabby, dishonest decision was reversed. Does the FA not want ambitious clubs in the Conference National?!!!<br><br>Northwich Victoria’s core business is football. And what business are the FA and Conference in? I’ll tell you: football. Did that not ring a few bells in the gaping holes inside the heads of the Conference’s board? Are the FA so stupid that, when they have such a perfect match between their own core business and that of two other companies, Northwich Victoria FC Ltd (in administration) and Northwich Victoria (2004) Ltd, they do everything in their power to prevent a synergistic partnership between the three companies? What sort of business strategy is that?"<br><br>--------------------<br><br>Evergreen<br><br>"Just thought I’d update you on the recent developments at the Victoria Stadium.<br><br>Phase 5 has now been completed after three weeks. This involved Mike Connett sitting on his rse with a big fat cigar in his mouth, watching lots of dedicated and genuine Northwich fans painting the Gents toilets. On a related theme, we have also received notice that we have complied successfully with the Cheshire Trading Standards document "Guide to Safety in the Ladies".<br><br>Phase 6 is in progress, and involves placing 8 green plastic seats in the Dane Bank Stand, with fencing around them that conforms to ISO standard ISO-621-7312G/W. This area will be known as "Home Seating".<br><br>Planning is well advanced for phases 7 and 8. Just to update you in case you’ve forgotten…<br><br>Phase 7 involves those same dedicated and genuine fans who were painting the Gents loos, armed with power drills, meticulously covering every part of the ground looking for,as one of them might say, "that bstrd Mike Connett".<br><br>Phase 8 involves many members of the playing and managerial staff moving to other football clubs.<br><br>Text c/o Peter Grimes’s Distant Vics newsletter."<br><br><br>---------------------<br><br>Greenun/JGG/Disgusted/Local lad/Observer/Big Green/Vics fan/Shterse<br><br>"WAFC RIP in 3 years. NVFC ONWARDS and UPWARDS!!! THE TRUTH HURTS!!! We’ll have the biggest crowds ever seen in the conference north next season. Up to 240% of our fan base has been staying away when we were at the swamp. That 240% and more will come straight back now we are a top championship challenging side. In the past MC may have made the odd mistake but his heart is in the right place, unlike at shtton. Who else would have taken on a struggling debt-ridden but potentially MASSIVE club in the conference national, and turned it around in such a short time into one of the top conference north clubs in british and world non-league football. MC knows what he’s doing. All you bitter and very twisted shtton fans should bow down to someone who knows how running a TOP FOOTBALL CLUB should be done. Conference National in one year with crowds of 2000. Football league the year after with crowds of 3500. The top stadium in the north west…marina… hospitality complex… astroturf…graveyard. I repeat WAFC RIP in 3 years. THE TRUTH HURTS!!! GGGGRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNN RRRUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!"<br>

Funny old game isn’t it - but keeps me entertained!<br><br>Which away club is going to finance their first month of the season then? Droylsden or Vauxhall? If they are lucky it could be Leigh!<br><br>Oh the fun, I always said it’d be nice for them to get relegated when they left out ground so we’d managed to make the money from all those away fans too!<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Any songs for that Mid-Cheshire Final then?<br><br>One Michael Connett…