Jeff Metcalf

Jeff Metcalf as left witton and I would like to thank him for all his work that he as done for the club

Sad to see him leave.

He probably wont thank me for saying this but he’s one of a couple of people who always sticks £20 into the reserve pot on a Thursday, even if he’s not watching the game. I can only imagine what he gives elsewhere both financially and with his time.

Cracking fella and great servant who will be greatky missed - especially for his one liners!

Sorry to hear that.

I do hope he’ll continue to watch and support the team.


Can only submise from afar how this sad piece of news has come about.

Being closely involved with Jeff - when in the country - then this will leave quite a gap to be filled and I only hope, with people of Jeff´’s ilk difficult to recruit, that the club is able to fill some of his invaluable duties.

Catch up with you at week-end Jeff and thanks for all your good work.

I hope it’s nothing to do with the Dodson cup ! Too lose someone of jeffs calibre over this would be silly and I hope there is plenty of effort going on to retain him he would always have my full support.

One of the many colourful characters at the club - as per other comments, i hope you’ll still be at every game TT.

Sorry CJ he had no chance