Joke from

Why as Steve Burr bought a submarine?<br><br>No, it’s not in preparation for the new super-duper Northwich marina…<br><br>…it’s because he heard that there are 20,000 leagues under the sea…and he thought that Northwich must be able to avoid being relegated from one of them!<br><br>Ha ha! Ho ho! (cue: gap-toothed cheeky Scouse grin).<br><br>The old ones are the best. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif]

I have a cracking joke… <br><br><br><br>WITTON ALBION! [smiley=cheezy.gif] <br><br><br>Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!<br><br>Old ones are always the best! [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Think you may have miss-spelt Northwich Vics mate.<br><br>Keep on attending those spelling for idiots clases - sorry, i meant spelling for vics fans ::slight_smile:

What’s the difference between Vs and a sheriff’s badge?<br><br>A sherrif’s badge has got 5 points<br><br>What’s the difference between Vs and a compass?<br><br>A compass has got 4 points<br><br>What’s the difference between Vs and a triangle?<br><br>A triangle has got 3 points<br><br>What’s the difference between Vs and a pencil sharpened at both ends?<br><br>A pencil sharpened at both ends has got 2 points<br><br>What’s the difference between Vs and a pyramid?<br><br>A pyramid has got 1 point.<br><br>What’s the difference between Vs and a football?<br><br>A football has got no points.<br><br>Oh what joy! <br><br>

witton who? altrincham ??<br><br>I’m completely lost!!

Witton ALBION, we’re from Mid-Cheshire :wink:

Yep! Wi**on Albion worst team in mid-cheshire.<br><br>Another joke:<br><br>Witton albion in conference premier!<br><br>Or…<br><br>Witton albion best team in Northwich!<br><br>Or…<br><br>Witton albion 0-1 Winsford United! [smiley=banane.gif]

Another == Frickley Colliery whoops Athletic! 2 witton 1. Pathetic and going nowhere

As much as i don’t want to respond to the above i just wondered whilst you are having a go at us why the hell are you not at Crawley supporting your team? What price loyalty?

One could ask where your fans were the other night!!!

8.00pm on a Friday night??!!<br><br>There’s dedication, and then there’s lunacy!

I suppose you’d have preferred a 3pm kick off this afternoon and then I suppose hordes of Witton fans would have made the trip to Yorkshire!<br><br>oh, and I believe we wanted to play on Sunday but Witton preferred Friday at 8pm!

We’ll keep one of the car-parks at Wincham Park reserved for the 20 odd coaches you’re lot will bring for the reverse fixture then shall we?

I doubt there’d have been any fewer than 40 Wittoners there if it had been played this afternoon.<br><br>No way that I’d have gone on Friday if I’d been in the UK, but don’t think I’d have missed Saturday or Sunday.<br><br>I find it incomprehensible that anyone can comment on Albion’s supposed lack of away support. We have been far and away the best supported club in the league away from home for years!!

[quote]One could ask where your fans were the other night!!![/quote]<br><br><br>Well one could say the same about your fans attendance of 204 with 27 (counted) from Witton.<br><br>Where was the rest of the Frickley faithful on friday night out boarding up windows by any chance…<br><br>

Good idea would be 1pm on saturday afternoon and then you would have made more money over the bar by showing the game.<br><br> IF you bring more than 30 fans to our place then I think the world might just end!