Jordan King signs from AFC Telford

Is it true that Jordan King from AFC Telford has signed for Witton? This is from NON LEAGUE DAILY website.

Yes details now on the home page

Bit more info from a while ago though…<br><br>GRAHAM Turner is backing new signing Jordan King to produce the form that attracted the attention of Premiership club Everton. <br><br>The 20-year-old midfielder has joined the Bulls on a one-year deal and the Edgar Street manager has no doubt about King’s potential. <br><br>"I saw him four or five times last season and I think he’s got potential to be a good player," said Turner. <br><br>"The season before he attracted the attention of Everton but his form deserted him a little bit last year but I think that was to do with being part time. <br><br>"Now he’s got the opportunity like Rob Purdie and Richard Teesdale to prove himself." <br><br>King’s arrival from Telford United reverses the recent trend which has seen both scout Ron Jukes and defender Matt Clarke switched to the New Bucks Head earlier this month. The son of former Telford boss Jake King is relishing the switch to Hereford after being impressed with Turner <br><br>"I spoke to Mick Jones at Telford and he said he was not sure whether I had a future at the club. I decided to go down to Hereford for some talks with Graham and was very impressed with what he had to say," said King. <br><br>"Graham has got an excellent reputation as a coach and is keen to move the club forward so I can not wait to get started." <br><br>King made 17 starts in an injury-hit 2002/2003 for the Bucks but he has reverted to full-time status in a bid to avoid a repeat. <br><br>"I will be going full-time so hopefully I can avoid injuries and make a place in the first-team my own," he added. "I maybe haven’t started as many games as I would have liked with injuries but I have had a good three years at Telford and hopefully that experience will stand me in good stead now." <br><br><br>Check this out too:<br><br>;showtopic=1275&lt;br&gt;

<br>Dont get your hopes up about King, he is the son of former Telford boss Jake, and only got a game anywhere because of that.<br><br>Time will tell and all that, but Jordan King would not get a game at Whitchurch Alport!