
What is happening with regard to the Juniors, are all the teams leaving and going across the canal, who is responsible for this?<br><br>Is it true that the Club’s safety officer is jumping ship and going across the canal?

Rob<br><br>read the link below youth team future - this is reference the juniors, of course the rumour is being bandied about, but ultimately its up to the juniors committe/trustees to decide from what I hear history,loyalty, past efforts of wittoners does not count for much, if the juniors were to choose to move over the canal, I believe Witton Albion should do whatever is in there powers to keep a junior club at Witton Albion, and if this means asking age groups to stay at the club then so be it, it would be up to the new club at northwich vics juniors ? to find its own players not just BUY a junior club as it requires. Laurie states this would be dangerous ? but not as dangerous as selling your soul ?

Rob<br><br>also in answer to your second question <br><br>as you may be aware the clubs safety officer is also the chairman of witton albion juniors :wink: he has worked for both witton and vics in his safety role for some time, im not sure if he has now left Witton

So the rumours are true about the Junior Chairman trying to get the teams across the canal. <br><br>Also true that he is not going to be working at Witton again, going across the way. <br><br>Not much loyalty is there.

Rob,<br><br>im not sure the rumours are true, only that there are rumours and things being said, the juniors may well decide to stay with Witton I certainly hope so, after all the hard years of work Witton fans in the main have put into forming and running the junior club. :frowning: >:( :o

As a Parent of a playing Junior may I say that we have heard nothing with regard to us "moving across the canal" from the Witton Juniors trustees or anybody else, however if this does happen as I have stated before as a Wittoner I will be gutted :(, Natrually we all have a choice but how do you tell a 9 yr old he cant play with his mates which he has played with for 4 yrs ::slight_smile: fingers crossed this is all rumor and the right decision can be reached :-/

Nothing has changed from my post under the Future of Juniors thread.<br><br>We ARE NOT looking to ‘jump across the canal’.<br><br>We ARE looking at ways to improve the footballing experience of the Juniors, and so make the club better and stronger. There are several options we are looking at currently, but we won’t be in a position to decide how we want to move forward until we’ve reviewed them all, which will hopefully be in the not too distant future.

I think it would be a big mistake for the juniors to move, they will simply moving the kids further away from progressing through the ranks of juniors, reserves to the first team, Witton have now got a manager who wants to use the reserves etc to bring players through to the first team as proved by the fact that I think most of the reserves have featured this season for the first team, Whereas the other team are willing to pay for players to travel from the north east every week to play I doubt many locals will get much of a chance there.

Thanks for the update Laurie :slight_smile: