Kettering Town

We might’ve got beat yesterday but there’s always somebody worse off. Kettering could only field 10 players and lost 7-0 :ohmy:

Spend more than you earn, a lesson to us all.
WHS. nono

If only Messrs Blair and Brown had done that - we wouldn’t be in quite as big a pickle!

We had some good craic and times with Kettering’s supporters following the Bishop 3-1 Yeovil game when they came along and supported us.

Remember a lot of us going to the Paddy Field near Chinkers when they were playing, a whole half spent singing ‘Alan Buckley’s Red n White Army/Stan Allan’s red n white army’ Sent the natives green with envy!

For the supporters sake hope they get their club back and on an even keel.

Don’t get political on here Andy, Robbo will “nail you”! The whole of the World is in the same mess so you can’t just blame Blair and Brown. As for Kettering it is very sad but seems to be a sign of the times, I expect many more clubs to go bust very soon and not just non league.

[quote=“Andy Chad” post=46653]If only Messrs Blair and Brown had done that - we wouldn’t be in quite as big a pickle!
We had some good craic and times with Kettering’s supporters following the Bishop 3-1 Yeovil game when they came along and supported us.
Remember a lot of us going to the Paddy Field near Chinkers when they were playing, a whole half spent singing ‘Alan Buckley’s Red n White Army/Stan Allan’s red n white army’ Sent the natives green with envy!
For the supporters sake hope they get their club back and on an even keel.[/quote]

Were Messers Blair and Brown responsible for the deficit in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal…it’s a global financial meltdown caused by bankers screaming down the phone gambling with all or futures!!

I used to be a banker, but I lost interest

No absolutely right Messrs Blair n Brown always warned us of the dangers of the banks powers (not) whilst cosying up to them!

At the time Gordon was lauded as the best chancellor for many a long year, prudence was his byword! And then it all unravelled, selling OUR gold reserve at a time of an all time low price.

Bottom line and I’m not for any political party is that ones a war criminal and the other was deceptively incompetent.

Anyway still a shame for those Kettering fans!

I did say ‘not quite as big a pickle though’

Very political Andy, but please remember who sold off our electric, gas and water boards leaving us with the biggest prices in Europe because they are all owned by foreigners, the Tories now intend to sell off our defence company!! Back to Football please. Question? How on earth are Vics still going? Who is paying the bills now? Financially football is CRAZY!!