Lancaster City v Witton Albion Tues 16th Nov

Another tough game and a team just below us with games in hand. We have to get the fullback situation sorted because if Lancaster and Harrogate on saturday have a decent left sided player then we could be in trouble. Would restore Heler back to wide right and use Bryan whose defensive qualities are poor as sub. Take a draw but a win would be a big boost for the Trophy on saturday.

Zigga zagga

Very difficult fixture against a manager and his team full of experience above this level.I will take a nil-nil draw but the squad is capable of sneaking an away win.Maybe Syd Little to score in injury time.

Stuart could also score,failing that Colin.

Difficult game but at least we can be sure the team will give it their best shot. I think some supporters have too high an expectation of the team, if we get a play off place we will have done really well considering our finances, but with gates over 300 regularly things can only be looking up.
So “Onwards and Upwards” as the idiot " A Son of Albion" is always saying in the programme.