latest from telford

team is as follows. KENNEDY, KING, LATHAM, PRITCH, SPEARITT, MCGUIRE, CONNORS, PEERS, MOSESLY, G JONES, LEE, SUBS FOY, M JONES, PARKINSON, CLARKE and Hurst<br><br>Latest score 1-0 telford- reynolds 25 yard scorcher on 15 mins

half time 1-0<br>att 843

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD 2 WITTON 0

Latest Score: AFC TELFORD 2 WITTON 1<br> Andy Hurst.

Lost 2-1 no Ben Jones again

Quote from the Telford site at half time :<br><br>’ Apparently we’re playing terribly yet again and should be 5-1 down.<br><br>But at least it woud seem we’re a lucky team at the moment '.<br><br>It would seem that we are not!

Please everyone ignore all posts from the liar.<br><br>Anyway, some more posts from the Telford board . . .<br><br>’ Don’t know how many black cats they ran over on the way here but they should have been 4-0 up at half time at least!!! 3 off the woodwork, two off the line??'<br><br>‘amazing really, we got hammered and played almost off the park yet won’<br><br>‘We only had two shots!!!Poor Andy and very lucky first half’.<br><br>‘I thought we were lucky again not to come away with a hatful of goals against us. How many times has the poor finishing of the oppostion let us off the hook? It could have been 4 - 1 to Witton at half-time if Brocky had not been there.<br><br>In the second half we improved slightly, but it was still one-way traffic, the difference was we took our chances and they did’nt.’<br><br>Not our night.<br>

Speechless, shocked, unbelievable.<br><br>Can’t sum up how the hell we failed to win this tie let alone either of the game individually.<br>some of the play and passing at times was excellent, but for some slightly off key finishing, good goalkeeeping, horrific linesmen and lucky bounces and woodwork we’d have hit double figures no joke.<br><br>It was a pleasure standing with the Telford fans 2nd half all of whom were in as much disbelief as us as to the result - Mike’s posts above show this. Absolutley unreal.<br>The result does not tell the story - as Stuart Pearce said the other week - someones gona pay. ???<br><br>Gutted.

Mellor, what a sad individual you are. What a sad life you must have. <br><br>You know, I actually feel sorry for you.