latest  against ossett.

I was thinking that too GE!<br><br>Daniel - glad you enjoyed it - think I saw you walking round the museum with Olive!Hope to see you back again soon.<br><br>Good to see some positve views for a change!

WHS I hope you still paid your ?8<br>Oh by the way when you next at Witton please see me for a 200 club card they are only ?10 for the season, we need the money for Jim’s budget<br>Cheers

By the time I got there, the match was ending, I had been to rehearsels of Carousel which is on at the Memorial Hall, 9th-14th October.<br>WHS

I will be there on Saturday, ?10 in hand!!! No, I didn’t pay my ?8 but I have donated ?25 to the Medical Centre already this season.<br>WHS

I’m sure the medical centre are very grateful (as the club is for any donation) but others have also given significant amounts of money to other areas of the club as well this season - your not the only 1!<br><br>Lets hope we can break that 300 barrier on Saturday - any chance of a Carousel day out WHS - I’ll even show them round the museum for free!

Seen the museum thanks, bit of a museum piece myself!1 As for the doanation, I am not bragging, just stating that I do support the Club in ways that I can, which is not always be being at games. You should always bare in mind that the likes of me were supporting the Club long before you were born, we HAVE paid our dues and we did follow the Club all around the country, you have to forgive us if we do not get as excited as you young uns when we win the odd game!!!<br>WHS.

WHS, Just when I think that I understand your thinking, you always press the wrong buttons. ?25 is a kind donation towards the medical kit. but that equates to around 40 pence per game for the season. To be fair thats not a lot. Stop telling us how generous you are and that you have paid your dues, but live in the now, enjoy the new generation and contribute in the best way possible, you always come across as if the club owes you, surely its the other way round. If we want success we all have to contribute and I am sorry 40 pence will buy a couple of rolls of tape. Get with the programme

You are getting right up my nose!!! I have been donating to the Medical Centre for four years and my ?25 is just my first payment this season. I have other interests in my life, normal people do you know, but I do what I can for the Club, including owning shares, how many do you own? I ask for nothing back for my donations, I only mention it to shut people like you up!!<br> I will be there on Saturday and at Telford hopefully on Monday. You tell me to enjoy the present and you say I think the Club owes me, well as a life long supporter of over 50 years I think the Club does owe me, and every other supporter, a season where we at long last have something worthwhiile to crow about, promotion to a decent league!!!<br> My donation is, and has been a pound a point, how about matching it?<br>WHS.

Wo, hand bags down please.The medical centre is grateful for the contributions made by WHS. Donations like these keep the centre ticking over as there is no set budget. <br> <br>

You are right, Wittoners should not argue with fellow Wittoners but Oracle and others should accept that not all of us can get to all the games, we go when we can and support the Club with donations as and when we can afford to, I am unlucky that I don’t have all the time in the World to give to the Club, but lucky that I can afford to make financial donations, accept me as a Wittoner on those grounds and the problem is solved.<br>WHS.