latest  against ossett.

from the bbc vidi printer at half time witton 2 ossett 0. cant do anymore updates 2nite cause iam of to work now. Going to have to wait until dinner ( 1.00) to find out the fulltime score and that is if we have skysports news on in the canteen.

No need to wait, it ended up 3-1 to witton

Happy Days ;D

Great result again, now wew can start to believe. It is funny though, last season I was moaned at for complaining that Jim was being negative when he talked of just staying in the league, now when I urge a little caution, I am moaned at again!!!<br>WHS

Great result and a good performance (I’m comparing to Saturday though)<br>Its all about 3 points and we’re one of only a few with 6 points on the board.<br>3 excellent goals again.<br><br>One disappointing point - lowest gate in the league tonight, come on folks we have an excellent side and need the support, it doesn’t grow on trees you know. You can critisise the board all you want but on that kind of showing we should be paying a lot less than we are.<br>Its a tough game Saturday - it;d be nice to see a few more there.

Quite right Neil, we need more people through the turnstiles, however I was very surprised when the gate was announced, would have estimated more like 280 to 300.<br><br>A very comfortable victory, despite injuries; keeper hardly troubled, and we could and maybe should have scored more goals. Nevertheless, a great start. Remember (for you oldies) 1979/80, when we had one hell of a side, we drew the opening game and lost the second, so we’re well up on then. I have a feeling this squad has the ability to take us to the title, but at out level there are factors outside the club’s control that can have a massive effect on the results of games!<br><br>An early candidate for goal of the season as well; it was good to see our willingness to shoot from distance.

I agree Neil we need and deserve more but it’s going to take a couple more results to start the ball rolling I fear, I think we have a great manager in the making in Jim and I truly hope the public start to respond but we need to pull some of the sceptics back who have seen the wage bill cut when we look like challenging and statements from the chairman that past managers were more ambitious than the football club. I know for a fact that put a lot of people off so we need to spread the word from top to bottom that we want to move up and progress!!!..

Sorry Guys forgot to say well done again today, and I hope Con is ok

It wont happen instantly I know, I just felt a bit sorry for the team when that was announced but yes I did alos think there were more there - there were 206 at Ferriby! <br><br>Connors was on crutches and MM limping after the game.

First visit last night for a long time. Well impressed. Can’t remember the last time I saw an Albion side willing to shoot on sight! Read a lot (some positive, some negative) about Gaghan on this site - thought he was outstanding last night. Well done, all concerned. By the way Chad, is 14 seconds the quickest ever Albion goal? I’m sure you’ll be able to tell us.

I agree with Picko about the crowd - it will take a few more games to bring the doubters round but we just have to keep passing on the message that this team has something special.<br><br>I thought we played well last night with some superb goals. I was stood behind Peers’s shot as it curled into the net - it was never going anywhere else and the keeps never got close. Osset were never going to roll over. They were playing for pride after getting taters on Saturday so it was never going to be easy. The fact that we so completely outplayed them is a testiment to what we have in our team.<br><br>Well done guys! Hope the walking wounded are soon recovered.<br>

FANTASTIC result again ! Good to see all the team playing well, and playing as a team.<br>I thought that Gaghan looked good. As did Peer`s. They both caused Osset a lot of problems on the wings, when switching wings.<br><br>Keep up the good work guys !!!

UniBond League - Premier Division - Tuesday August 22nd<br><br>WITTON ALBION 3 OSSETT TOWN 1 Attendance 220<br><br>Team: Worsnop; Spearritt; Pritchard, Barras, Hockenhull; Peers, Brown Alex, Connors (Jones M. 64), Gahgan; Moseley (Brown Alistair 62), Warlow (Hendricks 74).<br><br>MoM Chris Gahgan nb Alex Brown Team Rating 4 Match Rating 3<br><br><br>Albion?s 100% start to the season got off in scintillating style when CHRIS GAHGAN received Alex Brown?s pass straight from the kick-off. The right winger took a few paces before sending a strong shot across Town?s keeper Neil Bennett and into the far corner of the net. The goal was officially timed at 14 Seconds and thus is almost certainly a Witton record.<br><br>Mike Moseley had the ball in the net on 26 minutes but an eagle eyed assistant had spotted that the ball had just crossed the goal-line before Gahgan pulled it back. The two goal hero from Saturday Adam Warlow missed a good opportunity on 36 minutes when getting too much under a Peers corner-kick with his headed attempt going well over the target.<br> <br>The lead was though extended in the 39th minute and again came from the right wing, this time though it was MARK PEERS who?d switched sides with Gahgan. He?d created space for himself and was able to produce a short run before curling a left footed 25 yard shot around Bennett and inside the far post.<br><br>Bennett did well in stoppage time when diving to hold onto a powerful low shot from Brown<br><br>The result was virtually sealed two minutes after the interval when a Peers?s free-kick to the far post saw central defender BRIAN PRITCHARD out jump his marker to send a lovely header into the far side of the net.<br><br>Ossett did manage to pull one goal back in the 51st minute when a high cross from the left wing from James Walshaw found ANDY HAYWARD in acres of space, centre goal and the prolific scorer was able to head home with ease.<br><br>This spurred Albion into adopting a shoot on sight policy and long range efforts from Steve Connors, Gahgan and two from Brown were all only just wide of the goal. From a Peers corner Tom Spearritt?s headed attempt also went close. In addition a brilliant inter passing move involving six players ended when Peers final ball ran right across the mouth of the goal.<br><br>The visitors were reduced to ten men for the final ten minutes following skipper Matt Daley?s rash challenge on Triston Hendricks giving referee Bonney no option but to show him a 2nd yellow card of the match. <br><br><br>A dampener on the night was the sights of both Mike Moseley and Steve Connors, the latter leaving the ground on crutches, sustaining injuries and thus add to the growing list in the much overworked treatment room. <br>

Excellent performance, like Saturday could have been 5,6,7 or 8 goals scored.<br><br>Have to dispute the crowd figure I’m afraid. After it was announce I counted at least 270 there.<br><br>Keep up the good work boyzzzzzz

But why won’t the speccies support the team at home like they do away? The atmosphere on Saturday was tops and you could see the players loved it. Yet at home everyone just stands and watches and expects the team to deliver. Without more support from the terraces it might not happen!

Going by the car aprk there was a fair few there.<br>WHS

Does that mean you came to the car park but didn’t come in? Bizarre!<br><br>GE<br>

is the family gate open on saturday?

my first visit to see witton albion last night. very impressed with everything.<br>the team played good stuff with gaghan and peers outstanding, but they got stuck in when required, hence the injuries. thought pritchard had a solid game at the back too.<br>many thanks to everyone who made me and elaine [and my little pup olive] more than welcome. you have three new diehard supporters.

I agree it’s odd why we are more vocal when we are away from home.<br>I don’t think there is less passion or desire to win when we are at home<br>but when we’re away it’s definitely different.<br>We’re more tribal with a collective spirit and an oppostion crowd (unlike last night’s feeble support for Ossett).<br>The ones who do make the noise at home are the same ones who travel.<br><br>Last night was another excellent result to follow up Ferriby but it was less exciting because of Ossett’s spoiling tactics and this affects the crowd’s high spirits; this is not the fault of our players or our supporters.<br><br>Saturday is our biggest test yet but I’m confident in Jim and the lads.<br>I hope the injuries are not too bad but we do have stronger players to fill the gaps compared to last season.<br><br>Seeing your players kicked to pieces by a pub team does also tend to be a bit of a dampener!<br><br>Anyway roll on Saturday.