Latest Signings!

Our latest signings Ness and Gaghan - I really don’t understand why we have signed a left back and a right sided midfielder when we already have one of the better left backs in the league and Mark Peers is as good as if not better than Gaghan on his day. It is almost like certain faces don’t fit and cosidering Jim Vince was brought in to keep the continuity of the squad it seems like he is doing the opposite. [smiley=dunno.gif]

Isnt ?it funny,that ?i only heard on THE GRAPVINE … that are left back IAN .HAS GONE…MOVED ON .LEFT …CALL IT What YOU LIKE…DOH… :-X…STILL more to go by the looks of things…what are people high above tryin to do 2 this club…2 steps forward.3 steps back… :-/

I thought Ian made a decent left winger and Connors had been much more influencial in the middle - so why not accomodate all of them?<br>Depends what the manager thinks!

is it true that ian has gone? i`ll be gutted if this is true, as a club we shouid be trying to keep talented players like ian. i was made up when we signed mark peers, yet another player who we should try to keep at the club.

just been told that ian didnt want to stay and fight for is place at witton.&lt;br&gt;if that is the case then we are be&lt;br&gt;tter off without him.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;ive just been told that ian didnt want to stay and fight for his place at witton,&lt;br&gt;if that is the case were better off without him. i`m diapionted in him, but still wish him all the best.<br><br><br><br>

sorry about the double message, late night last night!

Pencil…I think there,s more to it than that…every 1 knows there place iant guaranteed…play well you have a chance…Ian has,nt done that BAD… :-/

you might be right,i really rated him. some people say that he was only good at going forward. i didn`t think that he had done that bad for us at the back and he is still young enough to learn. and like you say no ones place is guaranteed. there is a lot to be said for how players handle it when they have been dropped or rested.<br>look how pritch handled it when he got dropped. he stayed and fought for his place in the side.

Dont think Ian was a bad player, definitely better going forward, but think the mgr likes a strong defence to build on first and foremost, so guess Ian didnt like the challenge of ness maybe thinking the mgr didnt rate him ? as pritch says most players move on and its really up to Jim to sort out his team his way and for us to support the team, I think hes done pretty well todate and if we win games in hand were up to 3rd ? and quite attractively ?<br><br>good luck Ian