Leek v Witton

Got to work today :cry: but I have asked to be kept up to date with the game so hopefully will be keeping an update on here for anyone else who can’t make it.

Leek 1 Witton 0 Carl Frost pen

Leek 1 Witton 1 Mike moseley header

Leek 2 Witton 1 Carl Frost goal Half time…

Leek 2 Witton 2 Sargy shot into the net off a defender

Final score 2 - 2 Witton played well first half but not as well second but battled hard to get the draw according to my roving reporter (thanks Mike)

A good point in the end but by 3.45pm we should have been at least 4-2 up. Unfortunate (but correct) penalty against the run of play put Leek 1 up. By then Sargy missed a good chance - straight from the restart, Sargy volleyed over the bar from 6 yards after good work by MM. Hughesy had a header cleared off the line and Sargy had another good chance to score.<br>On halftime Alex Kevan was dispossessed by Carl Frost who rounded Gibson and scored.<br><br>Second half a little disjointed but after another Hughes header had been cleared off the line, Simon Burton fed Sargy for the equaliser. I believe that if their No. 3 hadn’t handled the ball into his own net it was going wide!!<br>Who cares. <br><br>MOM - difficult one. I thought everyone contributed to a team performance. Barlow probably shaded it for me.<br><br>GE<br>

Agreed - a good point in the end, but a game that we should have won. ?However, in the past few weeks people have been whinging that we haven’t been creating chances and that has changed dramatically in the past few games when we could have been into double figures in total. ?We have to create to score and at least we’re doing that.<br><br>It’s also been a difficult week in terms of 3 away games, two at distance - I’m told the team didn’t get back from Bishop until 2am and it was a heavy pitch, so not to lose in the past three games must also be commended. ?Not too mention us lacking some first team regulars, who I have to say, I’m not sure where they’re going to come in - Dicko surely has no chance against the way Stanners is playing, and even though Gaz Evans didn’t put a foot wrong before, Mr Salt has been great in the past week. ?Nice predicament to have though.<br><br>Not wanting to start a tirade against the ref yesterday, but I do think he was poor. ?To have players ignore your whistle to beckon them over for a word just shows how little control over the game he actually had. ?And Sargey’s goal (which WAS going wide) was pushed in with both hands by their no 3. ?The ref paused before signalling a goal would stand, but I do not believe that we would have given a penalty if it hadn’t gone in. ?Besides, surely the no 3 should have been sent off anyway, regardless of the goal going in, he attempted to stop a goal by using his hands - that is surely a sending off offence? ?Just because he doesn’t succeed doesn’t mean he gets to stay on does it?<br><br>Finally, I would be disappointed to be a Leek fan. ?Their team came out in the second half with no intent other to be niggly and dirty, and the ref let them get away with it. ?As a team with their reputation and history, I’d be very disappointed with that style of play.<br><br>Bring on Lincoln - if our team have any energy left after the past week!!<br><br>[CENTER][size=4][color=ORANGE]HAPPY EASTER EGGS ALL ROUND!!![/color][/CENTER][/size]

Team:<br><br>Gibson<br>Salt<br>Furnival<br>Hughes<br>Tickle<br>Foy<br>Kevan<br>Barlow<br>Stannard<br>Moseley<br>Sargeson<br><br>Subs:<br>Yates for Stannard<br>Burton for Kevan<br>Carden for Sargeson<br><br>An excellent performance once again, picking up where we left off on Wednesday. ?IMO thats 3 very good performances in a week from 3 tough away games, and 5 points to show for it. ?Lets not forget the players who have been missing in these games too - credit to the management for building up the squad with such a run in mind.<br><br>MOM for me, very hard to pick - Salt excellent again, Sargy terrific, mike superb - the defence generally looked well in control - only our own mistake leading to their goals. ?(I didn’t see the penalty incident and have heard mixed reports)<br><br>The support terrific, very decent in number, pretty vocal throughout most the game.<br><br>The officials pretty poor I thought, can anyone tell me what Barlow was booked for? ?<br>How do you get 3 minutes stoppage time on 88 minutes after 4 subs, then another in injury time, a goal, a couple of players receiving treatment and the keeper being warned "more than once" about time wasting? ?Are referees scared to give more than 3 minutes as you rarely see it done?<br><br>The handball will probably be forgotten as he pushed it into the goal somehow, but deliberate handball which the referee, must have seen - not the linesman admittedly. ?Everyone behind the goal saw it very very clearly. ?I can only presume now that cards are only given when an advantage isn’t given/achieved?<br>Speaking of cards we were also possibly fortunate for Furnival and Barlow to stay on the pitch, after a bad tackle and possible disent after both already being booked. ?<br><br>Still a good point against a suposedly better side, now lets have the 3 points on Monday…

A good effort, plenty of heart which is something I suppose, deserved all three points.<br><br>Crap referee, but a much improved team performance, can we have some effort in a home match now?

The referee was the same one we got in our opening league game away at Lincoln United where, I remember, he had a terrible 1st half waving away a strong penalty appeal against Mike.<br>As for the game yesterday, a tremendous "never surrender" attitude displayed by the team ensuring a deserved share of the points. Having to contend with a team content to frustrate and time waste as well as foul us into submission, all going unpunished by the weak Belper referee,the team responded magnificently and Sargy’s goal at the death will be seen as poetic justice.<br>On the stength of our our opening half hour, we really should have been at least two goals to the good. We were constantly getting in behind the Leek defence and creating some great chances. However, against the run of play, we conceed a soft penalty. Then, having equalised through Mike’s tremendous header what do we go and do? Alex dallies on the ball on the edge of the 18 yd. box! is disposessed by Frosty, with the defence flat footed, he rounds Gibbo and scores into an empty net. Unforgiveable.<br>Having said that, to achieve 5 points out of three difficult away games is no mean feat and is a platform to push us into those automatic promotion places.<br>

Leek report here:<br><br>http://www.alltheresults.co.uk/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=1263

Blimey there’s a novelty. Reading a Leek match report with no mention of the opposition’s tackling methods, referees controversial decisions. Reckon they realised how fortunate they were all round then!!!