Let's Make Sure This NEVER Happens To US!

OK, we’ve all had a laugh at NVFC (2004) over the last few days, but we all know how close we once came to not having a football club at all.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on what WAFC actually means to all of us.

If you genuinely hate Vics, then that’s only because you care for Witton so deeply.

We have an opportunity here to finally be recognised as the BEST club in the town.

This remains an exciting time for our Club. What we see on the pitch every week is only the half of it; there is so much going on behind the scenes to help Witton continue to grow.

It’s time to stand up and show your colours.

We have a home game on Saturday, let’s get down in numbers and show support for what every board member, volunteer, and supporter - past and present - have contributed to ensure that in 2012 Witton Albion are a growing, stable, PROUD, and honourable football club who own their own ground and have genuine bone fide legends running the team for us.

If YOU love this football club - OUR football club, YOUR football club - then there’s plenty we can all do to take us forward rather than allowing us to end up drifting into the situation that our former neighbours now find themselves in.


  • Push gates over the 300 mark for the rest of the season
  • All have a go on the Predictions for the rest of the season (it’s only £2, split it with a friend if you like)
  • Buy a woolly hat, a scarf, a cap, a shirt, a mug (all profits from the Club Shop go towards supporting the playing budget)
  • Have a go on the Golden Goal
  • Chuck an extra 20p into Tracey’s bucket (mind your fingers!)
  • Support any functions that the Development Fund put on between now and the end of season (ALL monies raised by the WADF go DIRECTLY towards the playing budget)
  • Offer your time or expertise in any activity or task that the Club needs carrying out

But, most importantly of all, support your Club in any and every way that you can.

We’ve all sung it on a match day “We Are ALBION, say We Are ALBION!”

It’s time to start shouting it a little louder…


Well said Robbo !
Seriously, this a fantastic post now is the time for us to be loud and proud of our great club
We are Albion say we are Albion!

Agreed totally - this is potentially good news for us but we must stay focused on what we do for ourselves and what we are trying to achieve.
I dont mean just the playing side, the way we treat local businesses, visiting fans, standards etc that will ensure we are never looked at in the same light as them.

seeing you at Wincham Park on Saturday would be great but make you keep flying the red and white flag!

Great post very inspirational Robbo (if that is really you?)
Would like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone’s hardwork that makes are club so great.
We are Albion say we are ALBION


Well said, Robbo!

You say we can be the “best club in town” Robbo, personally because of how Vics have cheated over the last twenty years I would prefer us to be the ONLY team in town!! Apart from that I agree with EVERY word you said.

Well said Robbo - your Churchillian post nearly brought a tear to my glass eye! I’m pretty sure I heard “Land of Hope and Glory” in the background!

Onwards and upwards. Come on the Albion.

Fantastic post Robbo

Lets just concentrate on OUR Football Club and developing it.

Please play your part, we need every person and pound we can get into OUR club, if you feel that you can offer yourself financially or timewise then please see Neil, myself, Jim Powell or any director and TOGETHER we can look forward to a bright future.

With regard to finances the Development Fund continues to support the board of directors and the football team financially but we could always do more - if you do feel that the events of the last week over the way have given you a sense of perspective and you can afford to please support the Development Fund by donation, doing an extra prediction or in any other way you can.



  • Push gates over the 300 mark for the rest of the season
  • All have a go on the Predictions for the rest of the season (it’s only £2, split it with a friend if you like)
  • Buy a woolly hat, a scarf, a cap, a shirt, a mug (all profits from the Club Shop go towards supporting the playing budget)
  • Have a go on the Golden Goal
  • Chuck an extra 20p into Tracey’s bucket (mind your fingers!)
  • Support any functions that the Development Fund put on between now and the end of season (ALL monies raised by the WADF go DIRECTLY towards the playing budget)
  • Offer your time or expertise in any activity or task that the Club needs carrying out

Don’t forget also sponsorship:-

Match Sponsorship, Match Ball Sponsorship, Mascot Packages and Player Sponsorship etc

a brilliant post from robbo. so all you witton fans just take note of what he has said and get down to the h4h stadium on saturday, buy a programme, which are brilliantly produced, and cheer the boys on towards promotion. this squad, as i have prviously stated ,are more than capable of doing so. so come on let’s help club servants pritch and mose realise what they are trying to do, they cannot do it without us paying fans. hope to see a good gate on saturday. come on witton.

Watching Granada Reports one person said “Northwich needs a football club”. I wrote to Granada saying it had one called Witton Albion and there’s the rub. I know we discussed on here renaming our club a while a go and the consensus was against, but surely it is time for a rethink when you hear this kind of thing said and taken on board by the viewers. I suggest that “Witton Albion of Northwich” is not a bad idea after all, especially at this present time. Tradition is important and I feel the name suggested retains our tradition whilst expanding our scope for investment and interest. Discuss.

Sounds like a good idea except thats a bit of a mouthful but it would keep the clubs identity as well as bringing the town into the equasion. You could just imagine the results: Harrogate Railway Athletic Football Club 2 Witton Albion of Northwich Football Club 2. You would need a bigger teleptinter! We could also re nickname the club “The solvents” as opposed to the opposite!!! SBL

Even better rename the town to “Witton” ? Northwich is a tainted name anyway it would get my vote :laugh:

I know it sounds like a joke but it is not, it has to be considered from a financial view point. Vics at some point are going to have to yet again change their name, they can’t use “Northwich Victoria” and then add a date as they did the last time, they would have to change to something like “Victoria of Northwich”. We should at least consider stepping in and using the idea before they do. Whether we like it or not “Witton” is not the town name, Hartford had the same problem when Virgin trains stopped using the station, apparently the Virgin Board had never heard of Hartford so they could not understand why their trains were stopping there, had it been named Northwich it might still be in use by Virgin trains.
I don’t want “Northwich Albion” but “Witton Albion of Northwich” though a mouthful describes us perfectly. Bournemouth and Boscombe United, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Inverness Caladonian Thistle Dagenham and Redbridge, Total Network Solutions Llantsantffrain there have been and are plenty of clubs whose official name is quite long but who are known by a much shorter version. Personally I would be completely happy with “Albion of Northwich” but I know some of you would not be happy dropping the “Witton” even though we do now play at Wincham! Anyway I do think it needs careful consideration, apart from anything else it is better than a merger with that lot or letting them use our ground.

Hartford had the same problem when Virgin trains stopped using the station, apparently the Virgin Board had never heard of Hartford so they could not understand why their trains were stopping there, had it been named Northwich it might still be in use by Virgin trains.

More " drivel " WHS - I think you will find the reason was that Hartford station only has 2 tracks and thus becomes a bottleneck on a very busy line. It does however have a very good hourly service in both directions with good connections but unfortunately the car park is too small.

i cant believe this is even being discussed,v###s are in trouble and witton fans go into a panic over their name? it is a name we should be proud of, and is well recognised by serious non league fans.furthermore like many clubs our home is out of the town anyway.wouldnt it be better to help the club to success on the field, thus making the country well aware of our existance and location through media coverage.

Wish it was that simple Stumpy but the fact is if you don’t live locally or are new in the area you will have never heard of the Parish of Witton. Eli, London Midland still stop and the Virgin trains stop at Runcorn which has only two tracks like Hartford. My point is that local businesses are more likely to invest if the name of the town appears in our title, the town they do business in. I know there was some talk of naming our reserves “Northwich Albion” and it is no coincidence that Vics reserves go by the name of Northwich Villa not “Rushe Incorporated”!! We need to move forward, moving grounds is out,merging with the “none existent” Vics is out but adding Northwich to our name will not only make it easier for our advertising/development department to persuade people to do business with us, it will also give us a quick bit of advertising space in the local press who will report our name change and why. Anyway I expected some people to be against the idea, I am not even sure I like it, but we have to think of ways to push our club “Onwards and Upwards”.
PS You are right about the car park, it is too small but at least it is free!

I must say WHS you have done an excellent job of keeping to your previous promise of not posting anymore on this subject.


What will he do when they have gone? :woohoo:

WHS predicts the death of NVFC that much he had to be right some time! :woohoo: