Lift Home Required

As the topic states i need a lift back to Witton after the game at Bridlington as i am due in work that night. Can anyone oblige? If so please let me know via my e mail address<br><br>Many thanks if you can

thankyou to you all, i now have a lift back!

:slight_smile: Pritch must have been well pleased he didn’t have to travel back on the team bus if the following horror story is anything to go by…<br><br>Source:<br><br>Witton Albion Six Hour Coach Trip<br><br>To compound the bad day when Witton Albion failed to even score in the final 39 minutes against nine men Bridlington Town, after the match Adam Foy was found to be badly concussed and on medical advice was whisked off by ambulance to hospital, Scarborough 17 miles further north! <br><br>The team bus followed on to Scarborough and it wasn?t until 8:30pm that they could commence their return journey when thankfully Adam had recovered sufficiently enough to be allowed to travel home although hospital staff initially wanted to admit him. Pleased to report that Adam slept well overnight and will be seeing his doctor on Monday to be thoroughly checked over prior to allowing him to continue any football activities. <br><br>The bus finally got back to Wincham Park at 11:20pm but as well as the driver, who was due to go to London the next morning spare a thought for Albion’s new signing Jordan King who then had to drive home to Shrewsbury. In addition on the coach was a groundhopper who resided in Chester. His last train home having departed then Football Secretary Phil Chadwick drove him home and Phil eventually got back into his own house at 1am.

In a nutshell Peter…Yes!

Long trip there after that bridge being off as well.