Linotype/Cheadle v Reserves

Tonight the reserves secured the runners up spot in the Mid-Cheshire 1st division with a 0-0 draw at Linotype/Cheadle.<br>It wasn’t a great game as the lads were worn out just as the 1st team are, some of the lads tonight travelled to gateshead last night, but still wanted to play tonight, and I was proud of them.<br>They have had a great season and have won another trophy and medals.<br>The season is not over yet as they are at Barnton on Saturday in the 1/4 final of the Presidents Cup, maybe still more silverware for the Witton Albion trophy room<br>Well done lads you have done the club proud

Fed up i could not be there but i had to work… well done to Steve who has worked hard this season hope it is all worth while now, the playing squad it would be interesting to actually see how many players have been used it seem like a lot to me. But well done to them all, Not to forget Damo, Len and Chad who have been to almost all the games. Lets make sure we turn up at the presentation to collect the hard earned trophies. Not forgetting there is the little matter of Barnton away on Saturday in the cup quarter final, Jim will be taking some players for the last game of the season for the first team but i am sure we will give it a good go with what ever team we field. <br>