
Why have my opinions been taken off, everyone is entitled to state there point of view.<br><br>Or is sentiment regarding Davison, such that no one is allowed to criticise him. <br><br>Great player, great servant to the Club, doesn’t give him the right to be a great manager.<br><br>Is this message board, becoming dictorial, if part of the WAFC clique doesn’t like the comments it is taken off?

4 or 5 games in, Anstey, will see if we can compete in this league or if we are hopelessly out of our depth.<br>I must confess that after Monday night I am worried that it is the latter. Increased wage budget but no real strengthening of the team we will soon see if we are lagging behind the Spennymoors,Radcliffes of this league.I hope and pray that we can turn it around but remember what the Chairman said at the Forum,if JD can’t get us challenging at the top,he will get someone who can.

I’d like us to wait a little longer yet especially with pre season having seemingly gone so well. (ie contrast to last season)<br><br>I’ll admit I’m concerned, by results and performances, I just hope we turn the corner as we did last season but before December! We don’t want to be known as the Southampton of non-league football do we!<br><br>On another matter I see Matlock had their game called off tonight, maybe a plan B for Monday might be wise!

Im not sentimental about managers to be honest. Even if a manager had been in charge for 10 years and done fantastic if he cant get us challenging were we should be then you have to think about it.<br><br> JD did very well last year and this is only ONE BAD result. Its a fact of life that you will have a couple of games a season were you play very badly. Hopefully this was just one of them.

[quote]Witton really need to sort themselves out and get back to the style of attacking play that supporters were promised or else they risk losing their faithful support.
[/quote]<br><br>As this was quoted in the official Witton v Leek Match report on the official Witton site is this an official statement by the club?