Many thanks witton

Pointless arguing with a half wit-tonfan. I repeat 4000 in the last 5 games and that is a FACT not a lie, check with our club if you wish but I don’t know why your interested anyway- YES the truth obviously hurts, maybe our Conference survival has effected you and your coming out with more drivel than normal-- bitter, twisted and very jealous, if you cannot be man enough to accept and acknowledge our fantastic achievement then your not worth the effort mate. We’ve even loaned you a goalkeeper to help you in your playoff attempts- what an ungrateful bunch you are! Just remember if you do qualify for the playoffs we will have to agree to the loan period being extended, we wouldn’t want to jepordise your hopes would we!!

Listen Rod I’ve already told you, lets step outside and sort this out man to man

So WHERE have these fans been then???<br><br>Are you growing them next to MC’s money tree?<br><br>Goalkeeper? saves you some wages, you could put it towards finnishing the ground

I don’t do man to man and your still not having your goal posts back, if I don’t get whats owed I’m taking my ball home aswell but you can keep the cat :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]I don’t know why your interested anyway[/quote]<br>I’m interested in cleaning this board of a lying piece of cr*p. And rather a large, many might say overweight, one at that. That’s a hint, pal.<br><br>And I’m interested in Witton Albion. Are you?<br>

Give up man. It seems that not even your best friends believe your figures. Cut your losses. I’ll say it one more time. You are lying through your back teeth. The incredible thing is that you’re completely shameless about it on a public forum. These messages don’t go away you know. They’ll be around forever. Think about it before you post.

Now, where’s that "TRUTH HURTS" message…?

Maybe you should remember the above also when you stoop so pathetically low to have a pop at something it says on a sponsors website!! Silly, lonely, insignificant, old man


I have no idea what i am talking about i am a fruitcake[/quote]<br>

Well Greenun it appears you are in the sh1t, no ground, no money and probably no manager!


PIS* OFF WITTON PIS* OFF WITTON[/quote]<br><br>Constructive as ever jay1