Just been informed by Graham that the pitch is waterlogged - not surprising when I look at my own back pond.<br><br>Chad

MW will be able to buy the 1/2 finished VS soon for the hire rate, if you dont pay your debts soon LOL

What’s a half finished stadium got to do with tonights match being postponed c.j?<br>Have some messages been deleted here.<br>One of mine has disappeared. Any reason?

Thought in view of some of the comments that were made on this forum re our match being postponed that the article below taken from the Mid-Cheshire League’s site might be of interest!!!<br><br><br>"Next Match - now postponed!<br><br>The Mid Cheshire League’s next trial match in preparation for the FA National League Systems Cup was to be against a Northwich Victoria XI on Tuesday 25 October 2005, kick off 7:45pm, at Northwich’s new Victoria Stadium. Unfortunately, this has now been postponed due to the adverse weather conditions."<br><br><br>SO IT DID ALSO RAIN A WEE BIT OVER THE CANAL BRIDGE THEN EH?<br><br>

peter mellor. are you a sad and lonely man ? or are you looking for something to improve a dull personality ? or maybe you just need someone to talk to. there are people that can help you ! anyone who is sad enough to do what you are doing needs help. just take a long hard look at your self in the mirror and ask your self, what kind of man does the things that you do ? go on peter pick up the phone and ask for help. good luck peter.

Mellor, your lies and delusions catch you out again, the game was called of tuesday pm due to heavy surface water on the pitch, we know because the super witton reserves were fielding 4 players for the interleague team ? but your biggest delusion is in believing that vics have any sort of medium to long term future ? Ill let you go now it must be time for your cocoa and tablets.! ;D<br><br>

I saw this, and Mellor sprang to mind . . .<br><br>‘Extract from the Yorkshire Evening Post:<br><br>A drunk who claimed he had been raped by a dog was yesterday jailed for 12 months by a judge. Martin Hoyle, 45, was arrested by police after a passing motorist and his girlfriend found a Staffordshire bull terrier, called Badger, having sex with him at the side of a road in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.<br><br>Prosecutor Ben Crosland said the couple had stopped to help because they thought Hoyle was being attacked by the animal. But when they got closer they saw that he had his trousers round his ankles, was down on all fours and the dog was straddling him from behind.<br><br>"The defendant mumbled something about the dog having taken a liking to him," said Mr Crosland. "The couple were extremely offended and sickened by what they saw." Another passing motorist contacted the police and Hoyle was arrested as he walked with the dog down the road.<br><br>Hoyle, of East view, Marsh, Huddersfield, told police "I can’t help it if the dog took a liking to me. He tried to rape me."<br>He repeated the rape allegation at the police station and added "The dog pulled my trousers down." Hoyle, who has had a long-standing alcohol problem, was jailed for 12 months after he admitted committing an act which outraged public decency.<br><br>His barrister said Hoyle had no memory of the incident because of his drunken state, but was now very remorseful and incredibly embarrassed.<br>Jailing him, Judge Alistair McCallum told Hoyle "Never before in my time at the bar or on the bench have I ever had to deal with somebody who voluntarily allowed himself to be buggered by a dog on the public highway. Frankly it is beyond most of our comprehension. It is an absolutely disgusting thing for members of the public to have to witness."’<br><br>On reflection though, it can’t have been Mellor. The man claimed that the dog took a liking to him. I can’t imagine any creature taking a liking to that sad, pathetic individual.

nice to see you rising to the bait mellor ;D<br>you`ve just confirmed what i said ;D