Marine sack contract player
According to BBC NW news they have cancelled his contract.

There is another interesting twist to this one Dodger, the player in question John Lawless last season played for Colwyn Bay under Gary Finley, before signing for Marine for a fee (what’s one of those)!

Might he be winging his way to Wincham Park!!! (Thought you might like that one)!!!


A feather in your cap for that one:)

No love for United, most people know that, but these w*nkers should never play again

Reading the Marine website, it was a reaction to the Heysal ‘murderers’ chant from the FCUM fans. I think Marine have considered the evidence and felt they had no choice other than to terminate his contract, BUT what place do songs about the Heysal Disaster have at a FCUM v Marine Unibond Premier Division game?!

I don’t think he should have done it, and Marine have clearly made what the evidence would suggest is the correct decision, but i’ve been at Old Trafford and heard the United fans aiming those taunts at the Liverpool fans and it is downright sickening.

He’s been punished, and i think he should be allowed to get on with his career when another club offers him the opportunity. A fiver says it wont be FCUM though!!

Your becoming to sound like Benitez Robbo !


More like Manwell “Si senor Fawlty”

Talking to the Marine directors, they were very upset that the police over-reacted after the game, (bursting into the away dressing room, knocking Alvin to the floor) but alas, they didn’t hear any of the FCUM supporters chanting ‘Scouse Murderers’ through most of the match, and no measures were taken by the police nor the stewards to stop this chanting.

See and hear what you want to see and hear!

John Lawless, I believe, was sacked for what he put on facebook after the game, which is why the other player involved didn’t get sacked.

Thatched tavern wrote:

[quote]Talking to the Marine directors, they were very upset that the police over-reacted after the game, (bursting into the away dressing room, knocking Alvin to the floor) but alas, they didn’t hear any of the FCUM supporters chanting ‘Scouse Murderers’ through most of the match, and no measures were taken by the police nor the stewards to stop this chanting.

Yes Jeff, but does any of this come as a surprise?? United fans (plastic or not) are amongst the worst offenders but are always hard done to when they get it back.

Well, it seems that hearsay and rumour really have taken over here, plus of course the usual ABU rants.

There is absolutely no evidence of the FCUM fans singing about Hillsborough or Heysel - none whatsoever. If someone can come up with requisite evidence, I will of course apologise.

The video of the match clearly shows the Marine player reacting to YSB chants from FCUM by making the “aeroplane” gesture. This is what started the whole fracas.

Anyway, nothing to do with us, let’s just leave it at that. See my other posting, I hope none of this is reflected on the terraces Saturday.