Marine vs Witton

Just to let anyone know there will be updates here tonight on the game - expect the team around 7.30 (or whenever I can locate Pete in the bar!) :wink:

Witton team<br><br>Worsnop, Hockenhull, Brownhill, Pritchard, Barras, Whalley, Spearritt, Connors, Warlow, Moseley, Sanasay.<br><br>Subs: Gahgan, Alistair Brown, Frost.<br><br>Mark Peers out through injury.

Latest Score: MARINE 0 WITTON ALBION 1.<br><br>Mike Moseley’s header from Shaun Whalley’s cross.


Tony Barras injured replaced by Alistair Brown.

Latest Score: MARINE 1 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>Adam Warlow’s 11th of the season from Sanasay’s cross.

Half Time Score: MARINE 1 WITTON ALBION 2.

Does any one know how bad the Mark Peers injury is?

Latest Score: MARINE 2 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>Marine equaliser from the spot.

Marine down to 10 men after a two footed challenge on Steve Connors.

Full Time Score: MARINE 2 WITTON ALBION 2.

Come on the Albs >:(

Good point against a side that is always pretty physical in their approach. What is the situation with Mark Peers, does anyone know ?

A groin strain so I’ve heard. Mark himself didn’t want to risk it and hopes to be right for the Cup game.

anyone know if Ally Brown played? the youngster signed from Crewe in the summer? I’ve liked the look of him when I’ve seen him …

Just got back - ?a decent point but could have won it in the 1st half alone.<br>A couple of interesting refereeing decisions (I didnt see the penalty) but I saw the 2 in a minute that we should have had.<br>Anyway-surely away to a side above you in the league, to play well, score 2 and come away with a point has to be a result really.<br>Excellent following there tonight as well.<br><br>Peers, not serious from what I heard just precautionary, ally played most the game having come on for barrass.He did well I thought.<br><br>Final thought - we seemed tired in the 2nd half, the games maybe taking their toll slightly - we can’t be world beaters for 90 minutes every week!<br><br>Just a couple of points as I’ve seen the results:<br>There are now only 4 unibond premier sides left in the FA Cup - both lost replays tonight.<br>324 at Marine - was it me or does that seem very generous?<br>Imagine being a bridlington fan - lost 9-1 yep 9-1 at home tonight, thats upsetting.<br>finally to put it all into perspective, of our 11games we’ve played 7 teams from the top half of the table - a tougher start than average I’d say…

I thought it was worth putting this on from Marines website;<br><br><br>Hard earned indeed, a very fast and skilful Witton side dominated the first half and we were fortunate to go to the break only 2-1 down.<br><br>Witton scored after 6 minutes following an ill advised body check by Phil Brazier, the resulting free kick looped off Moseley’s head and over Andy Ralph.<br><br>Marine equalised when a free kick from the right hand side evaded everyone in the penaly area, except the incoming Paul Byrne who headed into an empty net.<br><br>Witton were as goos as any side I’ve seen in the last two years, and when some Warnesque spin evaded James Connolly a Witton player calmly cut the ball back from the byeline for Warlow to ad a second.<br><br>Half time came at the right time for us, Witton weren’t as good in the second half and we came back into it.<br><br>A penalty calmly converted by Peter Cumiskey mid way through the second half levelled the scores, before James Dever was sent off by the ref and Marine had to hang on.<br><br>Much of Marine’s improved play came through Lee Mulvaney who came on for Gavin Lynch after about 10 mins of the second half, only for him to be sacrificed following Dever’s dismissal as Nicky Young ploughed a lone furrow up front.<br><br>A good game, for all Witton’s excellent play they couldn’t get another goal, and we battled away to earn the draw.<br><br>in the end I’ll settle for that.<br>

Yeah a good point on paper but, from the first half alone, we should of come away with all 3. We need to kill sides off while we’re dominating the play. All too often in the past, games we should be winning and have only drawn, have ended up costing us. The league is so tight this season that we really need to be winning games like last night if we want to go up.<br><br>All in all a GREAT first half performance, and when all’s said and done it is a useful point. However, we’ve gifted Marine 2 goals that they probably didn’t deserve.<br><br>3 points at home on Saturday, and 3 more next week at Mossley and it will be 7 points well earned.<br><br>Great turn-out from the Witton fans last night.

UniBond Premier Division - Tuesday October 2nd 2006<br><br>Marine 2 Witton Albion 2 att. 324<br><br>Team: Worsnop; Hockenhull, Pritchard, Barras (Brown Alistair 21), Brownhill; Whalley, Connors, Spearritt, Sanasy (Frost 77); Warlow, Moseley. Sub n/u Gahgan<br><br>Man of Match: Adam Warlow (Constant threat) n/b Connors<br><br>Team Rating 4 Match Rating 4<br><br><br>Manager Jim Vince left the College Road arena positively seething at the performance of Stockport based referee Trevor Massey. Once again Albion seemed very hard done by especially when Brian Pritchard, whom the referee appeared to be allowing play to continue, changed his mind and awarded Marine a 68th minute penalty for the tackle on Nicky Young. Upon seeing his assistant indicate a penalty kick Massey, who had a clearer view as the Albion veteran won the ball from behind, pointed to the spot and Peter Cumiskey struck the ball firmly past Jon Worsnop to earn his side a share of the points in a match that really should have been sewn up by the visitors well beforehand.<br><br>The first half was, as regarding possession, territory and chances, very similar to the Marine match at Wincham Park last season. If you remember Witton couldn?t score as Marine defended in bulk and in fact snatched a goal at the end of each halves. This time around though Albion did get to score. The opening five minutes had seen a couple of good openings, Shaun Whalley, surprised somewhat centre goal when the ball suddenly ricocheted to him, pulled his shot wide. The same player then put over a wicked cross that not only just evaded Mike Moseley and Adam Warlow but missed the far post by an equally narrow margin. Albion though were ahead in the 6th minute. Steve Connors dusted himself off following a clumsy challenge by Phil Brazier, floated the free-kick on to MIKE MOSELEY?s head and he in turn sent his looping header well over Andy Ralph.<br><br>Warlow?s 16th minute shot defied Ralph?s attempted save but just missed the far post before five minutes later Marine equalised. A free-kick from wide on the right was floated into the box, no-one managed to get to the ball and it bounced very conveniently to Paul Byrne lurking outside the far post giving him a very simple nod in. The sight of Tony Barras limping off immediately gave the massed Albion support a clear indication as to why the innocuous cross hadn?t been dealt with.<br><br>Home keeper Ralph then showed why he is so highly rated as he leapt to push over the bar a strongly driven 25 yard shot from Connors. He had very little chance on 34 minutes though when a delightful move saw Kevin Sanasy collect the ball on the left, take it to the bye-line before putting over an inch perfect cross to the awaiting ADAM WARLOW near the penalty spot who drilled the ball home. Three minutes later and Ralph pulled off the save of the night, diving to his right to push away Sanasy?s fiercely driven shot.<br><br>The second period opened with Albion immediately attacking and good claims for a penalty for a hand-ball fell on deaf ears. Warlow on 54 minutes showed great skill, turning to beat his marker but as Ralph advanced the striker?s shot ended up in the side netting. Just after the hour mark a deep kick from Worsnop found Sanasy unmarked, his cross was headed on by Moseley but Warlow saw his shot well gathered by Ralph.<br><br>Three minutes following the controversial penalty conversion, James Dever was shown an instant red card, following his lunge at Connors but for some reason Albion failed to make their extra man advantage count. The positive moves down the flanks ceased and too many balls were errantly struck. In the end a point at fellow challengers would normally be good but in this particular instance it really should have been all three! <br>

Thought the referee was poor, missed all the little incidents, No.8 deliberateley clipping Seans heels 1st half, automatic card not given. That action would probably have stopped his two footed lunge on Connors which lead to the red card<br>Wrestling match in the corner with Kev Sanasay- ref watched from 20 yards away, and didn’t appear to want to keep up with play.<br><br>My own opinion is that he wasn’t up to the job.<br><br>Thought their was a good shout for a penalty when the defender had his hands over his head.<br><br>Was 80 yds away from their penalty looked like Pritch played the ball BUT their has to be a case for staying on your feet and not diving in, thereby not giving the linesmen the opportunity to award the penalty.<br><br>The linesmen were just their for ins and outs, and they couldn’t even get them right!<br><br>Team played excellently first half and could have gone in 3 or 4 to the good. We definitely tired 2nd half and the longer it went on the more I thought they would win it.<br><br>We have to take into account how hard a game our lads had on Saturday, and the fact they go to work on Monday and Tuesday and then play again Tuesday night. No wonder some of them looked v. tired towards the end.<br><br>All in all I’d always settle for a point at Marine.<br><br><br>