Match/Matchball Sponsorship

Now the fixtures have been published we are taking bookings for both match and matchball sponsors for the coming season, if you want to get in early on any particular match please let me know either by PM or email

Onward and upward

Have we got any brouchers on what we charge/what you get for sponsoring a match or a match ball?

I am working on the Thatched Tavern to sponsor a ball on their own, or share a match sponsorship with somebody else.

In the current climate of possible recession, a lot of businesses will be looking to cut costs wherever they can. We need to be inventive in trying to reeduce their costs in any way, and possible shared sponsorship could be a way forward.

One of the main areas I am working on is the match day experience for sponsors, an area I think we have been weak on in the past. I have passed on details of this seasons deals to be put on the site but Mr Rabbit is in Vegas at the moment hoping to come home a millionaire and solve all our problems!

As for prices we are by far the best priced in the area, having spoken to Northwich Rugby club the other night I can confirm we are even cheaper than them.

I have left some copies of prices at the club TT if you would like to call in for one.