Matlock v Witton

Half time score Matlock 1 Witton 2 no details on scorers as yet

Part Time Supporters!!!

You didn’t get a lift then Chad? final score Matlock 1 Witton 4 [smiley=banane.gif]

<br><br>Matlock 1 Witton 4<br><br>Madin 2 Moseley 1 Bird 1

Well done on your win tonight-I suppose from your point of view it makes up for some hammerings we’ve given you in the last few years.<br><br>Got to say I can’t understand why we’re defending so badly this season, but you took full advantage.<br><br>Hopefully things will be back to normal when we come to your place in a few weeks time. <br>

Couldn’t make it unfortunately due to work commitments. Obviously sounds like we played really well judging from the result and Neil’s text. ;D

Thanks Ian for your posting. Yep six years indeed since we brought all three points back. Thought your off-side trap looked very suspect early on but when you dropped it then a few defenders seemed lost.<br><br>Like your No 11 - Kris Bowler hope you can manage to keep hold of him before the vulture returns!!!<br><br>See you in October

Chad-Kris has just signed a contract.<br>Must say that if you have to lose to someone, then lose to Witton-don’t mind so much against such nice folk!

Just got in from the airport after flying back to work - great result to be greeted with ;D

The report is now online<br><br>An excellent performance well and above no doubt what anyone expected at Matlock. It was much more like the sort of play and results people were expecting!<br><br>Some excellent goals there too, but note to gibbo who also made some superb saves to keep the result as it was.<br><br>No pressure but something similar on saturday would be great!

A stunning performance from the lads and some excellent goals to cap off a great evening. If we carry on carving out so many chances we will score a lot of goals with the strikers we posses and if the defence can play like that every game then we will be there and abouts at the end of the season<br><br>As for MOM - a tough choice, Gibbo was outstanding, all the defence played well, AB and GF solid, even Kevan done ok but i’d have to go for Madin for his two goals<br><br>Roll on sat and another 3 points!

Indeed an excellent performance. Titally in control from first to last minute.<br>Lee Madin has added that bit of spark to the team and the attitude and working for each other was a pleasure to see.<br>We need to build on this now.<br><br>It was also nice to see the excellent VOCAL support by supporters - why can’t you be that vocal at home games??<br><br>GE<br>