Matlock vs. Witton

Any news on their pitch?
What are the chances of the game being off?

Could do with knowing, currently working till 7 so need to try and swap my shift!!

Forecast is for a decent day today, cloudy overnight with heavy showers in the early morning, then a reasonable day with a chance of showers in the late afternoon. No problems with temperature, it will be fairly windy so should dry the pitch (but could bugger up the football!)

I reckon it will be on, could be my first game since November.

Can kick off be moved to 8pm?! :-

Weather report from a colleague in Chesterfield sounds promising…now all I need is to get to the game. Don’t suppose anyone is heading over there from a Greater Manchester sort of direction?

Some interesting variations in their predictions :-

Starting to get tempted to head over at 7pm… Decent run and i may get there just after 8…

Im gonna be working in bradford til about 5 30 :frowning: the idea is to head to matlock straight from work but as im gonna be out in my van all afternoon im not able to check if the games on so would really appreciate it if one of u kind people could text me to let me know either way 07952 747411 cheers :wink: