Matt Cooper

See our former stopper got sent off on his league debut on 75 minutes for handball outside the box, his new team marine losing 1-0 in the dying stages, from reports he had played well up till then ?mustn’t have had any crosses or kicking to do then :whistle:

Does that mean he will be suspended when Marine visit us next Monday?

Nah think he can play, might be wrong but think suspensions start 14 days after the offence ?

I hope Coops gets a really good reception and good banter as opposed to abuse when Marine come to WP.

Its easy to remember goalkeeper errors as they usually result in goals for the opposition. I’d rather remember the excellent performances which resulted in our promotion season and the following season where he was a major reason in us making the playoffs.

Agree Andy we should show our class and give him a good reception

Agreed, nobody who has played so many games for us should be abused and im sure Coops will get a good reception, unfortunately for me im on holiday so will miss the Marine game

I doubt he’ll receive any abuse at all. He’s a decent keeper who made a few mistakes but show me a keeper that hasn’t!
I just hope he drops a few clangers on Monday :laugh:

Well said everyone.