Merry Christmas

Just want to wish everyone at the club and the supporters a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.<br><br>I dont normally use message boards, just read them sometimes, but i felt compelled too. Ive played at quite a few clubs in my time, bit ive got to say, this has to be the most organised and well ran club ive been at. Considering that the club have been to hell and back since i first played here, when Ray Ranson (what a big time charlie by the way) and Warrender (sugar daddy) pushed the club to the brink.<br><br>Its people like Des, Spruce, Chad to name a few (you know who you are) that help the place tick over and make it a good environment to work in. I hope 2005 is another step in the right direction, maybe two steps, if the lads on the pitch work hard enough, cos where working hard enough off it lately i can tell you. Feel better for it though.<br><br>All the best,<br>JS.

Merry christmas to you too John and as you say everybody involved in Witton Albion, It’s nice to have players using this brilliant site(well done to Debbie and Neil)<br>It is great that players appreciate the club (OUR CLUB) lets just hope that we can now move onwards and upwards<br>All the best to everyone<br>See you all on Monday [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

and god bless us everyone!

It’s nice to see a member of playing staff (other than Pritch!) on here!!<br><br>Merry Xmas to all and here’s to what I wished for from Santa!!!<br><br><br>(3 points from Hyde!!) [smiley=Santa1.gif]<br>

merry christmas to every1 involved at just in bed full of cold again but will be ok for the hyde game.