Message from the Chairman

Due to the dismissal of our First Team Management, I shall be undertaking the responsibility and management duties until a new appointment is made. Brian Pritchard, as captain of the team will assist and advise me on team selection. David Nolan and Simon Hughes will also give support and advice on team preparation and match-day management. I do not expect this situation to continue for long and have set a deadline for a new appointment by the end of November. Our objective to achieve a minimum of a promotion play-off position has not changed and this will be our main criteria for the new management team. <br>I believe we have a team of players who are capable of achieving a much higher standard of performance, but for those who cannot or will not perform their best, their future will be in doubt.<br>I look forward to your support and encouragement during this difficult period and more importantly, the players need your backing in their determination to improve and get the success we need.<br>Achievement is quicker if we all work together as a team.<br>Debbie and Neil, please post on main website. Thankyou.

All for getting behing the team on Saturday, but with the greatest of respect to the Chairman, what the bloody hell does he know about football??<br><br>Surely team selection and formations should be left totally to Pritch out on the pitch and Simon Hughes on the bench.<br><br>In the Chairmans own words he is not a football man, perhaps he has taken his UEFA badge on the quiet and the team will line up in a diamond formation on Saturday. <br><br>If he hasn’t then I can see Gibbo at centre forward and Adam Foy in goal!!!

To be fair with Gibbo’s improved kicking you could be onto a winner there Anstey.

You’ve put your 100% record on the line now Mr. Chairman, lets hope your past success as a manager continues!<br><br>Seriously though, good time to show a bit of support for the club if you can, I’m sure many will be quite excited at the thought of something different. <br>Who knows I might not need the binoculars this weekend to make out who I players are…

Totally agree with Anstey. What the hell is a chairman doing managing the team especially when he knows nothing about the game. There is always concern among fans when the board interferes with the running of the team. Remember Alan Sugar at Spurs!!! he caused alot of problems and much unrest on the terraces!! BEWARE

Whatever, Observer.<br><br>No matter what Witton do, some people will never be happy.<br><br>Would you rather JD still in charge this Saturday? Unfortunately you can’t appoint a manager immediately. Well, actually, no, we could, but it wouldn’t be the right one and we’d be back in the same situation again.<br><br>Why not just try to SUPPORT the club (look it up in the dictionary if you don’t know what that means)?<br><br>And Anstey, that’s not like you to not support the chairman. ???