Mike Bird

Does anyone else think that Mike Bird should be in the starting line up? Personally i rate the guy and believe he is good enough to be a hit at this level, anyone agree?

I think Mike is a good squad player, but let’s give Gary Finley a chance to look and decide

good player to have in the squad, wouldnt be in my 1st team selection

A Player that undoubtedly can change games, but so far it appears he is better used as a sub. I’m not sure he has what it takes to be a 90minutes pplayer, very often he drifts out of the game, and his head drops too easily.<br><br>Maybe this is inexperience, and time will tell, but using him little and often looks the best bet.<br><br>I’m sure Mr Finley will take a look and his judgment is the one that counts on the day.

Looks if he could have potential, but in my opion needs to put a bit more in. <br><br>His dad thinks he would be better playing wider. I seem to remember him scoring a good goal at Matlock cutting in from wide on the right.<br><br>I guess the new manager needs to look at all the options.

Correction to my last post, it was actually from wide on the left!!

He seems to drift out the game too much which I think is a problem with a lot of players like Yatesy, Evans, Tickle & Baker. Whether it is fitness I don’t no.

They all looked fit enough at the start of the season when we played the tenants off the park.<br><br>When Bird came on as sub that day he won everything in the air, and hopes were extremely high that the popular side had found the Good Big Un that they so desperately crave.<br>

Then the holiday period was over, the serious stuff started and it all generally went a bit Pete Tong. :-/

You mean Sean Long?