More good news...

Crewe Alex have agreed to release Rob Lloyd to Witton for the rest of the season with immediate effect.<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>GE<br>

Yes!!! The news just gets better and better at the Britannia Carpets Stadium.

Jurys still out for me, hope the extended run in the side helps Rob rediscover the form that made him catch the eye last season.

I hope it doesn’t mean Brown or Connors losing their place, as we don’t want either of those to leave the club.

It has to be good news. The number of games we will have come the new year after managing to stay in the cup competitions will put us at a real disadvantage unless the squad has strength in depth. I think Rob Lloyd is an excellent player who recently has shown that he is recapturing that form we all know he is capable of.

Excellent, brilliant fantastic news. Jim needs to play Rob behind the front two he is wasted just in front of the back four and tackling is not one of Rob’s strengths. If you think back to last season he did most of his good work in and around the opposing teams penalty area and grabbed a few goals. This is what we need him to do now. Alex Brown can come from deeper as he’s more mobile and Steve C is versatile and can also play wide left. We’ll have never had a better chance of getting out of this league with our fantastic team and management duo. I still believe we can actually win it as Telford and Hednesford must go through a bad patch at some point and lets face it we could have won at Telford had we not made a few mistakes. I know talking to a lot of their older fans they really fear us and rate us the best footballing team in the league. I don’t like singling out players but I really must mention Griff Jones. He’s come in and been absolutely brilliant these last couple of weeks. I counted only one bad pass against Woodley and his control and use of the ball and his goals have been a real bonus. Well done to all the lads though and lets roll up the sleeves and starting with Leek bag all points on offer and try and finish in number 1 slot!!Cmon the Albion lets keep it going!!

Great news i agree with absolutely everything mona sed and griff jones was awesome against woodley!! Come on Witton!!! ;D ;D ;D

Great news, you cannot have too many good players and Lloyd is certainly that. Thanks G.E for dropping off the DVD. My son from Birmingham is going to love it when he comes home on Christmas Day. Sadly he has to go to Castleford on Boxing Day morning, though there is just a chance he can persuade his "better half" to put off going until 5-00pm!!!<br>WHS.<br>PS Got the poster, I will put it in the car after Christmas, also I will download some more and stick them up where I can.