How many can you name that have starred as players for the Albion but have also managed the club, player managers included.

Nigel Gleghorn & Eddie Bishop for 2 easy ones.

Well done Akie, those are two that I thought everyone would know.<br><br>Others also inclue John Davison, Russ Perkins, Alan Haspell

Well done Akie, those are two that I thought everyone would know.<br><br>Others also inclue John Davison, Russ Perkins, Alan Haspell

you can say that again Derek!<br><br>Did rob brown ever turn out for albion?<br><br>Whats the story "Kevin Tulley"<br>Nigel deeley<br>Brian Pritchard<br>Dave Nolan<br>Si Hughes

Sorry about that slight problem with pc when i was posting it.<br><br>Other names: Ken Barnes, John Rogers, Mick Metcalfe? i think, Brad Sandeman.

Mark Radcliffe goalkeeper then manager in the 50s

How could we forget Ray Ranson???/ :cry:

Get Mike Worthington to play & there’s another one as he took temporary charge.

Paul Bennett - certainly was playing when i arrived, left and then returned to take over from spit the dog, for the final 10 games of the 96/97 seaon. Also Benny Phillips, did Terry Murphy ever turn out for witton?

There was one called Worthington who starred for the Albion in their Cheshire League days during the 70s.<br><br>Striker from Ashton United called Lenny, and a good player he was too.

If non-playing subs count then what about Gary Finley?

Pritch - hows cold turkey going ?? I bet your getting itchy feet - preseason training starts on saturday, I know you were always a big fan of preseason, all the long runs and stamina work with Adam Foy trying to keep up with you ?<br><br>hopefully see you soon - theres a pie and a coffee waiting for you over at the tea hut.

no comment cj! But i was told pre season starts on thursday!

He means the reserves Pritch!

MMMMM now I wonder why Pritch is being told when training starts? [smiley=banane.gif]

cj - I’ll have to order a lot more pies then!!<br><br>GE<br>