New Albion Website- What do you know?

This site is a great boon to those of us who live away from the Witton area.<br><br>I noticed in the programme on Saturday ( a game I managed to attend!) that there will be a new website.<br><br>Who will operate the site?<br><br>How will this site fit with the new one?<br><br>I am a strong believer in an independent supporters voice on the web.<br><br>I’d be interested in your thoughts or knowledge of the actual proposals.<br><br>Bill

Oh no, Stu’s ranting again!! That’s what happens when you watch Man U getting humbled by Green n White sh1te!!!<br><br>If Stu can offer free advice, then the club may aswell take him up on it. Methinks why didn’t Stu offer earlier though!!<br><br> :wink: ;D 8) ::slight_smile:

Just had a look myself, and it’s obviously in very VERY early development. Hopefully the first thing to go is the title page - Gary Furnival from about 3 seasons ago in mid-hoof. Can we get MM on there celebrating a goal?? Infront of the fans?? <br><br>Video footage of Alex Brown’s goal from Sat though - scorchio!!

There are many changes that are being made the the site as it currently is - the pic of Gary Furnival being one of them!<br><br>the site as an information place will replace the current one - the forum will however stay in its current form (don’t panic!) <br><br>Watch this space - more details will follow.

Struggled against Crewe.<br>Getting beat by Southend ??? Copenhagen ??? Celtic ??? and this is a team who wants to win our league representing us in Europe.<br>Come on Stu at least Chelsea get beat by Barcelona. [smiley=dunno.gif]

None of them teams are in the league Crouchy.Fergie said the leagues more important then europe this year!<br>Anyway youre goin off topic this is about the website!! :wink:

Ok ging maybe i am :-* :-*

Have to say that with the infrastructure of the club and the way the social club is performing (or not) I would have thought there were other areas of far more importance than creating a new website.<br><br>It will be good to view recent footage, but more of a luxury than a neccesity.

I thought it was some non league pyramid rule that each club had to have an official web site ? not sure why they couldnt use this site though ? maybe this one couldnt support video clips etc

This website was promised back in July! Personally i cannot see the point of another website as the flop of an official clubsite across the canal will testify. It might make some money, how much more and for how long is anyones guess at this level. As Andy has said surely the promotion of this club in other areas needs addressing as it is far more urgent. The net may have world wide access and be great in promoting the clubs name but whats the point if the doorstep fan base in Northwich isn’t looking at it?

I have to agree with Pritch4, you see very little about Witton locally, maybe the club should consider hiring notice boards in prominent places in the town, very few potential supprters will go looking for us on the web, the site is more for people who are fans already. How many people in Northwich know we have a big FA Trophy game on on Saturday? very few I would think and despite it being a local derby I doubt many know that Witton will be playng "you know who" in the Cheshire Senior Cup semi final in the new year. A great big poster in the centre of Northwich would put that right where a web site would not.<br> That said, if we keep winning as we have been doing that will make people take notice more than any notice board or web site, so come on the "Albs", stuff Stamford on Saturday.<br>WHS.<br>WHS

I think the reason for a new website is less about marketing and more about revenue streams.<br><br>As someone who lives over 200 miles from Northwich, I rely on the website to keep me updated. If there were clips from games I would happily pay a charge per season to watch them. The cost to the club of putting the clips on there is pretty negligible after the initial outlay so it’s a great idea.<br><br>As for marketing the team around Northwich - yes a lot more could be done but it could cost a fair bit. Like you say - success will bring them in.

One question that needs answering about the new website. How come when the web page is saved, it saves under the name Winsford FC !!!

Maybe this sheds a little more light on things, found on the non league website;<br><br>UniBond-League Premier Division club Witton Albion has selected its three entrants for the title of ?Miss Football Bingo 2007?. <br><br>Selected by a panel of club sponsors in front of packed house on the evening of Friday December 1st, the local trio of Karina Samuels (19), Hannah Williamson (21) and Jodie Antoniat (20) will now go through to the finals of Miss Football Bingo on Thursday January 18th, taking on entrants from Runcorn Linnets and Winsford United. <br> <br><br>Organised by the sports sponsorship organisation,, Miss Football Bingo 2007 offers the first prize of a year?s contract with Impact Models of Liverpool, plus the opportunity to become the promotional ?face? of Football Bingo ? a gaming competition also organised by and aimed at raising funds for non-League clubs. <br><br>The competition is the latest in a series of high-profile fund-raisers to be organised for non-League football clubs by As well as putting together Witton?s new website, ( has begun raising additional funds for Winsford United through the recording and sale of matchday DVDs. The company also has an established relationship with Runcorn Linnets, managing the club?s sponsor and advertising relations. <br><br> projects for 2007 include the live broadcast Non-League games in club bars and local pubs, the more active promotion of Witton?s corporate hospitality facilities, and the extension of Winford?s Soccer Schools programme. On the strength of its results for Winsford, Runcorn and Witton, Winsford-based has recently been appointed to develop the sponsor and advertising revenues of Leigh RMI, Atherton LR and Ashton Athletic. <br>

Is there anyone out there who can update the front page of the website!<br><br>Its embarrasing that were not up to date at least with the forthcoming fixtures and latest results.<br><br>I personally think that we the supporters should maintain this one until we have confidence in the other website.<br>

In full agreement with Andy. Never hurts to have an independent voice anyway.<br>Front page is about a month out of date. If no one has time maybe Stu could look at doing it?? He is our resident computer geek afterall!!

I’m computer illegitimate as well!!!<br><br>Just a basic update wouldn’t take that long would it?<br><br>Thinking about those Rushden supporters who have checked us out on the website only to see that were taking a coach to Stamford!

I’m computer illegitimate as well!!! <br><br>and dont we now it. andy :o :o :o

[quote]Just because I’m your "resident computer geek" aka "MEng (Oxon) MBCS", doesn’t mean I have time to do it!!! ?;)[/quote]<br><br>It’s mOng Stu, not MEng.<br><br>Sorry to correct you, but didn’t want to let you look silly.<br><br> ;)<br>

Not too sure of how much time is involved, but if someone wants to PM me with the process, I can find some time to keep the website as up to date as possible.