Can you help?

Wittoners who attended the recent AGM or subsequent Fans Forum will know that the club is actively seeking volunteers to take up roles within the management of the football club.
None of these are paid jobs, but each plays a vital part in keeping Witton Albion alive, ticking and fully compliant with requirements of the Football Association, Evo-Stik Northern Premier League, the Cheshire FA and HMRC.

The roles which we urgently need to fill are as follows.

Football Secretary
The football secretary’s role takes up 7 – 10 hours a week and involves an array of pre-match, match day and midweek duties such as player registrations, liaising with match officials and visiting teams, dealing with correspondence, liaising with first team management, the league and FA.
The skills required for the post relate to organisation, administration and being prepared to take for calls in the middle of Corrie. The Football Secretary is expected to attend most games and will travel on the team coach (when we have one).
An understanding of league and FA rules would be an advantage but is not essential. The ability to learn quickly is.

Financial Controller/Treasurer
This role, being vacated by Neil Wilson, covers a broad range of financial management tasks and may, subject to the level of interest, be split amongst a group of committed individuals.
The time commitment is similar to that of the Football Secretary and also involves liaising with the league and FA to ensure the club is compliant with Financial Reporting and the new licensing system that comes into force from next season.
Specific tasks include managing creditors and debtors; producing management accounts and cash flow forecasts and working closely with the chairman & directors on the club’s operating budget. The Financial Controller will also work with Jeff Metcalf on the weekly payroll and with the Finance Director. At its most basic level, the Financial Controller ensures that the club doesn’t spend what it doesn’t have.

Social Media manager
Social media is now a valuable tool in the club’s communication with fans, sponsors, advertisers and the community at large. Adam Harris has grown the club’s Twitter audience to over 6,000 followers, with a smaller presence on Facebook. Which is why we need someone with the understanding of social media to manage the club’s official channels from August onwards.
This role involves sending out regular match and activity related messages such as match announcements, postponements, match incidents and so on. The club wants to develop its social media activity as much as possible so this is a great opportunity for a Wittoner who wants to be at the heart of things.

New directors
The club is looking for individuals to join the board who can bring additional expertise, financial input, but above all their contacts to help take the club forward.
There’s a lot going on right now. Witton Albion in The Community is lifting off; a player development pathway to the first team is being shaped, but the commercial potential of Witton Albion is still not being fully exploited.
The directors are looking for both business people and for Wittoners who want to be at the heart of the decision making process but who are also prepared to roll their sleeves up and get their hands dirty by raising funds.
If you’d like to discuss any of the above roles, in complete confidence, please e-mail the chairman on or speak to him at any game.