Gary Finlay is the new Manager of Witton Albion FC. Currently playing at TNS in the Welsh League, Gary was for three years manager of Aberystwyth.<br><br>His playing career has taken him from Marine, Warrington, Doncaster, Hyde, Conway.<br><br>The full press release will be available soon, together with the new Assistant Manager.<br><br>Lets hope Gary brings us the success, he is full of enthusiasm and has plans on recruiting some players he feels will enhance the team.<br><br>Its upto everyone to get behind him and wish him well

Having seen Gary’s Aberystwyth Town side in this year’s InterToto Cup and from what I know of the Welsh Premier a good appointment. I’m impressed! [smiley=cheezy.gif]<br>Welcome Gary and best of luck at the Albion.

What a rubbish appointment, I’ll give him till the end of the season max!

I have to admit that I’ve never heard of him but I’m told he comes with good pedigree!!<br><br>Welcome to Wincham Park Gary and all the best. I look forward to the game at Gateshead now!! (What a trip!)

According to the Unibond Website the new assistant is to be Gary Brabin, played for Runcorn, Hull City amongst others.

Full press release is now on the homepage.<br><br>We are currently searching for more info about the 2 new men.<br><br>Welcome to the club btw gents.

Indeed - see Official Press Release on home page.<br><br>Meanwhile here are links to some info I’ve found on them so far…<br><br>Finlay<br><br>;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Brabin&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;I’m so excited - can’t wait for Gateshead now!! [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

all together now "GARY FINLAY AND HIS RED AND WHITE ARMY" also who thinks beano is a vics fan

:oNot sure this is the proven mgr we expected Hes reportedly only 34 and not done a lot certainly in unibond or conference terms? but lets hope he is the man to get us going and bring in the players we need ?and I hope still develop the reserves and youth team links, if the reserves can get into the higher league required it would make the set up work better long term. I can imagine gary brabin being pretty influential He certainly was as a player, good luck to them both, lets get behind them and give them every chance of success. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

He never bothered with the reserves when he was at Aber… part of his downfall.

Well its one name that noone has thought of, and hopefully fingers crossed its the right choice. interesting to me that he already has 3 years managerial experience behind him at only 34, another Brian Clough? we can only hope!! My mate plays at TNS so will be bending his ear for info about our new Leader.

Certainly not the "experienced" name I was thinking of, however what exactly is experience? discuss (back to uni essays!)<br><br>3 years experience is more than many have had, and 3 successful years from what I can gather and a foray into Europe to boot. Reports seem good on Brabin too, certainly as a player anyway who has been there and done it.<br><br>Glehgorn wasn’t much older when he took over, neither was Liam Watson at Runcorn, etc. Look forward to meeting him anyway and see what he has to say.<br><br>Should be a nice easy first home game for him anyway.<br><br>Any chance of a meet the manager evening?

Lets hope he brings in some good players and gets rid of some of the dead beats the previous manager had.<br><br>Good luck to him, lets hope he gets a run going soon and put a smile back at Wincham Park.<br><br>It would appear that he was very highly thought of as a player and manager at Aberystwyth and was popular.<br><br>

GARRY WHO!!! Why on earth have we appointed someone with no experience. What has he won? The welsh league is lower than our league in terms of standard. Paul Ogden aged 65 to a 34yr old novice! - Where is the sense in that -can’t help but think we’re on the way down.

[quote]GARRY WHO!!! Why on earth have we appointed someone with no experience. What has he won? The welsh league is lower than our league in terms of standard. Paul Ogden aged ?65 to a 34yr old novice! - Where is the sense in that -can’t help but think we’re on the way down.[/quote]<br><br>And the Vics fan strikes again. :-X

As Rob says in his posting, Gary comes with UEFA coaching badges, recommendations from within the game, and a track record. More importantly, Gary has demonstrated that he has already done a great deal of homework on the current squad. He has very clear ideas of what needs to be addressed on thwe playing side, and will not shy away from making the tough decisions. Contrary to one of the aove posts, he aso has a very clear idea of how he plans to work with the reserve and youth teams.<br><br>Gary Brabin is another fine acquisition; anyone who remembers him from his playing days will testify he’s a no nonsense character. There’s an outside chance that he could be passed fit to resume playing, which would also give us the on-field general we’ve missed.<br><br>Managerial appointments are an imprecise science, but Gary Finlay will take no messing, and with Brabs makes for a potentially strong partnership. Yes, he’s young but has a passion for the game which will hopefully rub off. <br><br>The important thing is that a new manager is now in place and there are plenty of points to play for. We’ve all got to pull together, 'cos unless we do we’ll never achieve Conference North, let alone set our sights higher still.<br><br>Personaly, I don’t believe it matters whether the manager is 34, 65 or 98; what does is whether he can inspire the players and raise standards.

Appointing Finley as manager may not be a bad move, but it depends on who he can bring in. Two 4th placed finishes were the best that Aber have ever achieved, however, in the 2nd of those seasons he had a team that should have won the league, or at least pushed all the way for it.<br><br>I don’t know which players he’ll be able to get hold of mind. The Unibond is probably a lower standard than the WPL, so you might not get any Aber oldboys. The one you want is Andy Lee, who I think is at Droylsden, but I may be wrong. Lee is an absolute quality player.<br><br>As for Brabin- well, he’s pretty much hated around the WPL for some unsavoury incidents which I won’t go in to. He won’t be playing however, having recently suffered some heart trouble. <br><br>If Finley plays, he is half decent, big guy with no nonsense attitude, and on his day he can be quite intimidating. However, "his day" seems to happen less and less often now!<br><br>GAZ FINLEY IS A BIG SCOUSE MAN<br>GET PAST HIM IF YOU F*CKING CAN<br>TRY A LITTLE TRICK AND HE’LL MAKE YOU LOOK A PRICK<br>GA-RY, FIN-LEY!<br><br>Maybe we can play you in a friendly next season?<br>

good luck to the new manager and i hope he brings success to our team. i hope he realises the array of talent he has at the club and gives some a deserved chance, one being mike bird who never had a chance under john and kingy.

On the issue of experience the tale of the teacher who must be ‘brilliant’ as he had thirty years experience comes to mind - not so said a contemporary who believed him to be ‘less than useless’ as he had in his opinion ‘one years experience repeated thirty times’<br><br>Be inspired - Good Luck.

It strikes me that no matter who the club had appointed it would have been difficult to please certain sections of our supporters.<br><br>The only things I know about Gary Finley, are the things I’ve read but let’s reserve judgement and give the guy a fair chance and who knows it might just turn out for the best for the club.<br><br>Would also like to mention Dave Nolan, Si Hughes and Pritch for the more than admirable job they’ve done at what has been a difficult time for everybody.