New Songs

Heres a new song to the tune of the liverpool fans in the video

We’ve got the best midfield in the league
We’ve got the best midfield in the league

We’ve got Maca and Loydy, Alex and Brodie,

Even got Marky Peers ,Marky Peers, Marky Peers.

We’ve got the best midfield in the league
We’ve got the best midfield in the league

We’ve got maca and loydy, Alex and brodie,

Even got Marky Peers ,Marky Peers, Marky Peers.

Anbody got anymore, maybe one for Kevin Rapley?:wink:

Not a bad re-working of a song that we’ve already got…

Whoa Whoa Whoa, We’ve got the best non-league team in the world,
We’ve got Kennedy in goal, Pritchard and Dean Crowe,
Lloydy and Adam Warlow…

Hasn’t been aired since Lincoln though i don’t think, probably to do with the fact that including Dean Crowe in the ‘best non-league team in the world’ was probably a breach of trade description regulations… :blink:

If we can substitute Crowe’s name for someone else then we still have a winning formula. Tony Evans was suggested; Pritchard and ‘Evo’…

Did not relise we already had that song as i’ve never heard us sing it. I have seen the words on the homepage but did not know the tune. Back to the drawing board:silly: