News from Crewe Alex

Looks like the training we gave Nicky is doing him the world of good, might bot be long before we see him in the premiership. From the Crewe website;<br><br>Hands Off Maynard And Varney <br><br><br>Dario Gradi has told the club’s official web-site that he is under no pressure to sell any of his up-and-coming starlets during the January transfer window. The Alex boss still believes that his squad will remain intact for the last few months of the season, despite having Luke Rodgers, Billy Jones and Jon Otsemobor on the transfer list. <br><br><br>The Crewe boss has also had to deal with constant speculation regarding his in-form front two Nicky Maynard and Luke Varney, but he is not interested in even discussing the possibility of either of them leaving the Alexandra Stadium unless the ‘right club and the right money’ is forthcoming. <br><br><br>Dario told "We will do what best suits us in the transfer window and I really can’t see anything happening. Of course, I would be obliged to let any of our up-and-coming players know if the right club and the right money came in.<br><br><br>"Every manager in League One would take our front pairing. They always compliment me on how good they look, but they are not having them. When you watch them together at Cheltenham you will still say ‘yeah, I still like them’ but ‘yeah, they are still not quite ready’.<br><br><br>The boss added: "They are progressing well and going in the right direction but I still don’t think they are ready enough to go in and take the Championship and Premiership by storm."<br><br><br><br>

Do you think we could get Maynard on loan for the FA Trophy game and the game against Vics? Perhaps Dario will let us have him for three months so the big clubs can’t pinch him!!<br>WHS