nigels news from the guardian, again.

Deeley plays the waiting game
By Andrew Simpson

Nigel Deeley
NIGEL Deeley should know which players are staying at Witton by the end of the week.

The Albion boss told the Guardian that talks with the remainder of last year’s squad would take place in the coming days.

“I’ll know more by the weekend,” he said.

“I’ve been flat out getting around everybody to find out how they are feeling about things and what their plans are for next year.”

Fringe men Ian Kearney and Tony Evans are due to meet Deeley later this week, both no doubt looking for assurances of more Albion appearances in the coming campaign.

Star midfielder Alex Brown is already mulling over a new deal, as has full back Cavell Coo.

“We are waiting for them to get back to us now,” said the Witton boss.

“Alex has been made what I feel is a fantastic offer to stay and he has asked for time to contemplate his situation.”

One man who will not be staying is midfielder Rob Lloyd, who has already left Wincham Park.

The former Crewe Alexandra has told Deeley he plans to consider his future in non-league football as he struggles to find time for full time study on his degree course.

“I don’t think his departure is a great surprise,” added Deeley.

“It was a mutual thing and once we sat down to discuss things I think Rob expected the things I said to him.”

Deeley admitted there were no new developments on the futures of Liam Brownhill and Mark Peers.

Both want to leave but, as contacted players, the club will be seeking a fee for their services.

“There is a bit of a stalemate right now,” admitted Deeley.

“But I intend to leave that to the club to sort out with the FA and the players themselves.”

Altrincham have held talks with England C international Brownhill, but their interest could cool if Albion insist they pay for his transfer.

Last week acting chairman Mark Harris told the Guardian he intends to stick to his guns over the future of the club’s prized assets.

“Both players have expressed a desire to leave after signing a new deal,” he said.

“We have copies of those documents lodged with the FA and expect to be recompensed appropriately should they go.”

2:45pm today

fair play to nigel he is working is nuts off for witton.

can i say nuts on hear mike?.:laugh:

So the squad at the min then looks like

Brown (maybe)

Brownhill and Peers still part of squad I suppose but am sure will be gone by start of the season.

Just shows what a task Nigel has got in front of him.

I think it’s vital to try and get Kearney and Brown to stay as these guys are young, fit and willing and I thought towards the end of last season Kearney was unlucky not to be getting in ahead of Barras.

I think also Evans should be given a chance to prove himself at this level as I do believe with the right service he will get goals.

Lets hope for a few more signings and players who are hungry to play for Witton Albion and not for £££!

i dont mind signing for free and playing for free:P :wink:

All these players that are either leaving or have left have won us nothing.Let hope the players Nige brings in show as much enthusiasm and commitment as he does and we’ll be just fine…

i hope rapley stays :stuck_out_tongue:

There are plenty of us who would love to wear the famous red and white stripes for free.

I hope Evans stays, he can be our goal getter this season. We can use Rapley to roll the pitch.

Looks like were gonna need a whole lot of new songs now as most of the ones we sing about have left:(

This is the big problem I have with football today, there is very little loyalty from the players. Of course money talks but I would rather fill the team with youth players than pay over the odds for players who don’t give a monkeys about the club. Of course there are exceptions and we all know we have a fantastic example at the club + those who are staying this year who will get great support, but on the whole I would rather we got rid of those who didn’t want to play for club especially after the fantastic support they have received over the last few years from the fans.

Totally concur with you Tea Hut. Certain players let us down badly in the last few weeks of the season. Many people that I converse with in everyday life outside of Witton Albion cannot believe we did not get promoted and point to the fact we lack bottle in certain areas. This is making the job for a genuine guy like nigel more difficult. I just hope he gets some support not just from us fans because I feel its going to be really difficult this season with survival and maybe a midtable position the best we can do. There are too many “Money” teams in the league this season and I feel we should operate on the lowest possible budget and then go for it the season after if we can raise a bit more cash. The one thing that does concern me if we don’t do as well as last season is the drop we might suffer in reduced gates. Really a good cup run in the main competitions would put some money in the coffers and at least give us a modicum of financial competitiveness for the season after!! Fingers crossed Nige might work a miracle and get us in the play offs but its a very tall order looking at the teams in the league and I really feel for the lad who has been landed in a very difficult position because of whats gone on before!!

Mona -