Northwich Guardian

I am sure many supporters will have read the article in the Guardian about the Club and an event which took place a few weeks ago.<br><br>The Board are taking legal advice on the matter and have immediately withdrawn a substantial advertising budget which is spent each year with the paper.<br><br>Many facts were incorrect.<br><br>1. It was a privately booked function - not a school function<br><br>2. Many individuals were refused admission to the Club as they were considered to have been drinking.<br><br>3. The staff on duty checked identification for all who went to the bar, although certain indivuduals may have bought drink for minors.<br><br>4. Several bottles of vodka and cans of beer were confiscated by the staff on the night and have remained secure at the Club.<br><br>5. Several under age youngsters were seen drinking on the car park<br><br>6. The individual concerned did not appear on the guest list for the event, and there is some evidence that he did not gain admission<br><br>The newspaper gave a very misleading report, clearly did not consider getting any proper information, just took as the truth what a 15 year old who had been drunk, said in court when he clearly was trying to avoid any punishment.<br><br>As a result, the Club has requested an urgent meeting with senior management of the paper, is taking legal advice and is putting into place more stringent checks on events booked and behaviour within the Club.<br><br>Witton is a community club, supports its youngsters throughout and does not and will not condone under age drinking.<br>

Thank you Rob, The Grudian deserve to know the feelings of the club and the stance they are taking.<br> It would appear that the paper is working under the ?journalistic motto of<br><br> Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story<br><br>Pity the story was poor as well.

Seems to be the only way we get any kind of mention in there anyway these days, the sports editor is very clearly a Supporter of the other team in wincham and shows complete contempt for us, I’ve said it before I’ve stopped buying it and I would encourage others to do the same. [smiley=ranting.gif]

Hardly going to affect the sales if ALL of you stop buying!!, i’m sure the Guardian are really concerned about a didly squawk oufit like you lot protesting. Simple reason why they don’t write anything good about you is that there is’nt anything! as I’ve said before ‘boil on the backside’ or ‘pests’ springs to mind. The Guardian quite correclty cover the senior club in the town, we are afterall the only reason why Northwich is recognized nationally and clearly the majority of people in the town want to know the latest on their town’s club.Because we’re a much bigger club there are obviously more events and more news items coming from the VICS, your little club winds up on summer break this time of year(as per your website) so why should the Guardian waste space!! Maybe next season you’ll share an inside page with Barnton whilst we take the back page + 2 other inside pages!<br>CONFERENCE – NATIONAL LEAGUE – 25 YEARS – NVFC<br><br>Why should the local press be any different!!

The truth hurts little boy!