Office Help Required

A couple of things which don’t help run the office at the moment is:

a) The office has a fax machine, but no Internet access.

b) At my home, I have no fax machine, but I do have Internet access.

This can get very frustrating, especially when dealing with players registrations, when some forms need faxing, and others need emailing.

I could do with 2 things:

  1. Does anybody know enough about Internet Access, to sort out our Office computer?

2, Does anybody have an old, but workable FAX machine they no longer use, to donate (or sell at a cheap price) to the club?

I hope we get a positive response, as this would make Pete Riley’s and my jobs a lot more efficient.

Answers to your questions:

  1. Depends?
  2. Yes

I’ll PM you with my number and we can chin-wag