Oh I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday...

Last night i received a visit from 3 christmas Spearritts (spirits, gedit??) demanding that i really learn the true meaning of Christmas.<br><br>The ghost of Christmas Past (Cec Edey) returned me to Boxing day 93, stood on the Danebank watching the relegation doomed boys in Red & White grab a 1 - 0 win.<br><br>The ghost of Christmas present (Stevie Connors) reminded me of thrashing Telford 4 - 0 last boxing day, and then moved on to 26/12/06 to witness an identical scoreline against the Leek Town shepherds (3 of them made the trip, following the North Star to Wincham Park - sadly there were no wise men amongst their number).<br><br>The ghost of Christmas Yet To Come fast-forwarded me to 26/12/09, our first season back in the Conference National. ?A nail biting 2 - 1 win against the mighty FC United Of Manchester. ?Elsewhere, the newly formed FC Victoria Of Northwich enjoyed their first boxing day fixture in North West Counties Division 2. ?They lost 2 - 0 against Lostock Boys Club. ?The ‘Ground For Rent’ sign still on display outside the Victoria Stadium, as the ‘Trickies’ begin life at their not-so-state-of-the-art Pitch Behind Farmers Arms ground.<br><br>As i awoke back in my red and white striped bedroom, i realised that the true meaning of Christmas is the Witton. ?The Boxing Day fixture. ?The numb toes. ?The smell of Deep Heat mingled in with sweat. ?Jumpers for goal posts. ?Marvellous. ?OK i’ve gone too far there!<br><br>Anyway, just wanted to say that i have picked up a few Santa Hats for Boxing Day, and i was thinking if anybody wanted to give me ?2 they can have one. ?Money to the players fund (remember, every little helps!). ?I managed to get some ‘limited edition’ Red and White ones, so it’s value for money!<br><br>He’s red, he’s white, he’s f**king dynamite,<br>Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>That deserves a round of applause!!

Just proves that some of our supporters are as daft as me!!!<br>WHS.

When the whistle gingles (!) and the team begin to play-ay<br>Oh I wish it could be Christmas Everyday-ay<br>So bring Leek on, and Vics, and Rush-den.<br><br>And we will win three points for-or-or Christmas!!<br><br> :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Quality Robbo - U shud get out more often, or spend less time in my company!

It’s amazing what you dream up when you have a week off work…<br><br>Hope everyone has a merry albion, and a witton new year!!

Brilliant Robbo. You come up with some really good stuff and not just the comical side either as your knowledge of football is good too. I’ve read a lot of your posts on here and a lot of your views on our team coincide with most of mine. I like the subtle way you’ve taken the mickey out of Vics without bringing their chairman into it. As WHS as pointed out commenting on his personality etc are dangerous things to do given that the guy seems to be quite petulant. Take James Woods he is a decent guy and it’s great he attends our games but it’s a shame he’s banned from watching the team he loves whatever the circumstances. I know I’d be devastated if I couldn’t watch the Albion. I’ve spoken to Mike W a lot and if I have a "beef" he’s happy to listen as long as its constructive. There is a lot right with our club and he is one of the reasons why. The Buzz at the moment is fantastic so lets keep up the "clean" vocal support, with Drums, and turn Wincham Park into a fortress that teams and their people like to come to but get no change from in terms of points!!

What has impressed me most about the Chairman and the Board is that the Club seems to be financially viable again. We may not have masses of money to spend but we appear to be operating within our means and doing very well on the field too. Vics cannot get either of those things right.<br>WHS

You can’t overestimate the importance of still being alive. ?We have to continue as we are - not spending beyond our means and ensuring the set-up is right so that we give the lads on the pitch the best chance possible.<br><br>Eventually, it will all come good - ‘if you build it, they will come’ so to speak. ?Wish I was going to be back for Boxing Day, unfortunately will be at the in laws and therefore watching Weymouth - Exeter. ?But will be back for New Year and will be at the Fleetwood game…<br><br>Last year’s boxing day game was immense - you can’t beat cheering every pass until the ball nesiles in the back of the net! Bring on 2007!

With a first paragraph like that Laurence you sound like an accountant!

No need to insult the poor fella Neil, next you will be calling him a lawyer, or a politician which is even worse!! He is right though, survival means hope, and that is what this Chairman and Board have given us, now we have a team to pin our hopes on too.<br>WHS.

Its ok WHS I’m an accountant too and there was a bit of an in joke there between me & Laurence thats all!<br><br>I come out with those comments all the time as well.

Christmas time, Rob Lloyd has signed,<br>Connors singing Albion rhymes,<br>With Moseley on fire, and Brownhill at 3,<br>it’s time to rejoice in the Witton we see!

Is it boxing day yet!?<br><br>Benny & Jim…<br> [smiley=banane.gif]

I got Championship manager for Christmas won’t let me manage Witton though so just bought Whalley and Hendricks for ?1,000,000 ;D ;D ;D should help the payers budget!!! if only

Luvvin the tune by robbo!! Gotta be sung that 1!! As for whalley and hendricks wish we could sell them on for that much!!

Not insulted at all - accountants make the world go around!<br><br>Shame about today, let’s hope the team do better when I grace them with an appearance on Saturday. Might even be able to persuade my parents along for their first match in many years…

When once asked at interview whether I was Chartered or Certified I said neither, TURF!!!<br><br>All the best

Looks like this prediction is coming true quicker than expected!!