On loan Goalkeeper

Have just read on the BBC Teletext that Accrington have recalled John Kennedy, thus leaving us with no goalkeeper for to-nights game

What about the Reserve team keeper? Isn’t that what they’re there for?

Have just noticed that Andy Ralph from our tenents has been signed inforation posted on NLF site

hello to all<br>i’m new here.<br>can you help me, where can i find info about misses of witton?<br>what do you think about today’s game?<br>sorry i’f i didn’t choose right section.<br>Best regards<br>kikipintre

hello to all<br>i’m new here.<br>can you help me, where can i find info about misses of witton?<br>what do you think about today’s game?<br>sorry i’f i didn’t choose right section.<br>Best regards<br>kikipintre

Jon Kennedy has been recalled to Accrington from midnight tonight. Thus he can play at Leek. <br><br>Andy Ralph has been signed this lunchtime on loan from Northwich until the end of the season, unless Vics need him back, as cover for Gibbo. <br><br>We’ve also registered Ged Nolan to cover Gary Furnival’s enforced absence

has Witton chance to win?

what about the reserve keeper Tom Tabb. He deserves a chance after his recent performances and surely that is what the resies are there for ???

I agree

The decision as to who plays in goal is the manager’s surely and at this critical stage of the season, plenty to play for, he decided he needs a goalkeeper of experience - bit of a difference Mid Cheshire Lge to Unibond Premier Lge.