ossett town v witton albion

New manager, new era, massive game on sat…no doubt we will have a large following to see if the players respond, due to work and moving house this will be only my 2nd game of the season and as a wittoner living in wakefield its only a 10 minute bus ride to ossett, i shall be there from midday to sample a beer or 6 and as the grounds in the centre of ossett theres lots of good pubs within a stones throw of the ground…il try and put up a good pub guide later for anyone coming early…see u all saturday…and dare i say it…KEEP THE FAITH!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Lets have a decent number of albion fans make the trip on saturday, this really is a six point match. We need to make as much noise as possible and have as many fans there as possible.

Come on the albion!!!

Got ya message robbo, if your coming into dewsbury on train theres a wetherspoons near the train station (think its called the time piece)we could meet in there and its only a mile from there into ossett, think u should get out of bed earlier tho and get there for 12 rather than 1:) il prob meet u all at the station first as theres a great pub built onto the platform!! onwards and upwards :wink:

Will the Brian Pritchard flag be making the trip?

If not why not,managers players and even chairmen come and go :angry:

Been on the ossett forum and had a few suggestions of pubs near the ground, the maypole is the largest and is a wetherspoons type pub serving meals too so might be worth a look…im sure they wont object to the prichard enclosure flag being put up:laugh: its only over the road from the ground too.

spoons it is then :stuck_out_tongue:

see u all at ossett :slight_smile:

Just to avoid any confusion the maypole is a smith and jones pub which resembles a wetherspoons…as u get to the ground with the bus station opposite walk round to the back of the bus station towards the town and this pub is situated at the rear of the bus station, its a large pub so should be able to accomadate a few wittoners…few beers in there and we should have plenty of singing in the ground:)

Yes, I think our “new” manager should be greeted with a chorus of “Are you Finley in disguise??” :laugh:

Also, there are about 10 of us going on the train from Northwich 10:30 approx. The more the merrier!!!

Anybody want to have a very brave guess to what the side will be tomorrow???

Out of retirement Greenie ?

[quote]Anybody want to have a very brave guess to what the side will be tomorrow???


Smith, Scott, Pritchard, N Smith, Donnelly,
Linford, Thornley B, Olsen, McGraw
Thompson, Smyth(with a Y)

Bench Thornley R, Thaker, Millington, Swartz, Willis

Scott, Pritchard, N Smith, Donnelly,
Linford, B Thornley , Olsen, Thaker
Thompson, Smyth

Bench- R Thornley, Drew , McGraw , Swartz, Willis

Same team as Grazzer but i’d start Thaker

eligorton wrote:

Now I’ve finished moving house the missus says I can have a pass out - 1 week only!!!

The longest house move ever!! Did you move it brick by brick??


No but it is foolish to cash in ones brownie points for a home game…

When we see u Greenie - we will all sing " are u Greenie in disguise "

Nice one Mrs Green for allowing u out !

Points plural, you mean you can get more than one, Ive been doing it wrong!

hopefully we can pick up some points tomoro and get things up and running again

cya all at the game!:laugh:

From my local station its £2.70 return:P however the missus is dropping me off at 12 at dews station to meet u guys and picking me up afterwards…a well trained lady:laugh: :laugh: :stuck_out_tongue:
see u tomorrow guys and gals :slight_smile: