Parsley leave Guiseley

Neil Parsley has left Guiseley tonight - nothing to do with results and all to do with needing someone who can committ their time properly to the set up.<br><br>Do I sense a full time manager is required? Can only be good news for us surely with their current position in the league - bit of disruption maybe?

Maybe his thyme was up!

I thought it was his sage!

Did he get the Rocket, then? Maybe he will be Cumin back over here. On the other hand, would we be able to afford him…I heard Guiseley paid him a Mint. <br><br>I bet my aunty Rosemary will be gutted (no honestly that’s a real one! Pars and Whitlow lodged with my auntie Rosemary in Leeds when they first went from here)<br><br>Your right, I’ve got nothing better to do at the mo.

<br>"Maybe he will be Cumin back over here. On the other hand, would we be able to afford him…"<br>Why would we want him, we`ve got the best young manager in Jim Vincio

Dear Oracle, ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Despicable decision - Guiseley’s money men are surely living in cloud cuckoo land!!<br><br>Got their comeupence this evening at Frickley - wonder whether Neil’s bovvered!<br><br>A great guy and really doesn’t deserve to be sacrificed and for what? time will surely tell. <br><br>

Surprise surprise they’ve already got a new man in Terry Dolan - seems to me Neil never stood a chance!!!<br><br>Let’s hope we see Neil, if not back in management - although this must be a sickener - maybe taking in a Witton match in the near future

From Guiseley’s site. There was obviously time for a very detailed selection process…Suggests the decision was made some time ago and is not a reflection of current results<br><br><br>"Guiseley AFC are delighted to announce that Terry Dolan is to become their new manager. Terry, an extremely well qualified coach and experienced manager has seen service with Bradford City, Hull City and York City; bringing with him a wealth of football knowledge to the club. <br><br> Steve Parkin, Director and one of Guiseley?s main financial backers said having made the decision to change the manager and after a very detailed selection process we are absolutely thrilled with Terry?s appointment. We feel that with the financial investment we?ve made and ambitious expansion plans we have for the club to secure someone of Terry?s stature in the game is a major accomplishment. I know Terry is looking forward to working with the various levels of players which includes some 375 youngsters on Guiseley?s books as we look to build one of the country?s top non-league teams. Guiseley is a unique community asset and we are all excited and looking forward to the challenges ahead"<br>

Ashton 3 Guiseley 0 - it just keeps getting better ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Really chuffed that Neil is back in the game. Our very good friends at North Ferriby have selected him as their new manager and full marks to their Chairman Les Hare for getting this great guy back into football management.<br><br>The best of luck then to Neil and his assistant Trevor Storton as we’ve played them twice already then.

Totally agree, Neil is a cracking guy.