Podcast Sponsorship - Can you help?

Great to see the “Official” Witton Albion podcast has been so warmly received.

We are hoping to continue this for the rest of the season.

However, going forward we are going to start facing costs in regards to equipment and bandwith.

We anticipate it will cost us £180 for the season.

Therefore we are looking for a sponsor to cover this.

Would anybody be able to help us out in return for being name-checked during each episode, and i’m sure we can also include the details in the Albion Review too?

If anybody can help us out, please let either myself or Jamie know.


I could give you £20 a month if that would help you in anyway?

Thanks to Jonny Amery, Jeff Metcalf and David Kettle for contributing to the Podcast Fund to date.

Mark Harris has generously allowed us to offer Boardroom Hospitality for 2 as a raffle prize to further our fund raising.

I will be selling raffle tickets on Saturday if anybody would be interested.


Pleased to say that the money we have raised so far has allowed us to purchase the equipment needed to put together our next episode.

We should be recording this next week, available for download on Wednesday hopefully.

Thanks again to all those who have put money in so far, we really wouldn’t have been able to continue without your kind donations!