Prediction results from saturday

Morning all, results from yesterday’s predicting as follows, “spooner” first,

  1. Mr Nigel nutt
  2. Pete Thomason, Ray Hodkinson, Rory Percy, endo,
  3. Doc, Dave butters, Richard Sykes, Sharon burton, Pauline c, chair jnr, Pauline spruce,
  4. Wiffy, Dave Nield, Judith, Mike Collins, Chris Evans, Ian and Dave, Jeff hunt, Andy hunt, Bob nancollis, dale bland, Neil picko, yox, Baggie, Andrea h, Bill Wright, Paul Scott, John spruce, Peter,
  5. M Poole, reg h, Greg, Ian hi best, Drew Haspell, bradz, Jeffers, den conneely, Andy p, Sam littler, crouchy, d’emma, Eric, gazza, Matt cat x,
  6. Me!, Philip Carter, Andy conneely, picko, Len Holman, Adam, Rachel draysey, Deano Taylor, Dom turner, ched, Chris sage, Ryan s, Daz, fredspruce, Mike h, Geoff, djg, Neil Wilson, fine edge, je, Jeff metcalf, bulmer , Peter Williamson
  7. John salmon, frank, Bryan huxted,
  8. Ian Dobson, Trevor’e,
    And the winner with 9 out of 11 is Mike carlon, well done Michael, £73. Should keep the lead in your pencil for a while! Thanks everyone, see you Tuesday

Just found an extra prediction sheet at the bottom of my man bag, makes no difference to the result but,
6. Ewld Chad, that’s an extra pound for you Mike!