Predictions 12.01.08

Two games postponed so out of 8:

1 - Rachel Rettinger (got Fleetwood right).
2 - Tony Waterman,Picko.
3 - Andy Chad,Mark Holland,Chris Sage,Tim A,Fred Spruce,Alan Potts,Pete Riley,Andy Lomas,P Carter,Matt Poole,Wheels,Ronnie B.
4 - Rosie,Bulmer,Greg,Graham Prew,John Evans,Big Stu,Geoff Palin,John Stanley,Baggie,Steve Godfrey,Emma,Pete Wilding,Tracey Collins,Rabbit.
5 - Alan Sneddon,B Nelson,Terry Holland,Eli,Dave Matthews.
6 - Neil,Jim Powell,Mark Lyon,Dave Nield,Joshua Spruce.
7 - Dann.
All 8 - Greenie & Robbo.

There were 26 goals scored in the 8 games played. Greenie guessed 31 & Robbo 36.

Greenie wins.

This is the first time that all the games played have been correctly predicted. Shame Greenie that it wasn’t a multiple rollover, but well done all the same.

Thanks again to those who took part - a valuable extra for the pot.


In Rachels defence, she wasn’t even at the match - Helicopter Dave did her predictions for her!!!

Rachel gave me the two pounds and said to just pick at random! So thats what I did! Obviously that tactic doesn’t work!

I’m just glad that I predicted two games to be called off

You didn’t pick Witton as a home win?!

She instructed me "at random", so I just circled away without looking!!!

She can do her own next time!!!