2 - Tony Warlow (wasn’t a good night for ALL the Warlows!), Steve Morton (hic!), Roger Conneely, Andrew Chesworth.
3 - Pete Riley, Neil Wilson, Jeff Powell, Len Holman, The Pritchard Enclosure.
4 - Dave C, Pete Lyon (only 4?), Mike Nelson, Graham Prew.
5 - Dave Matthews, Graham Edgeley, Andy Chad, Mike Turner, Ian Watson, Mark Lyon, Graham Crouch, Alan Potts, John Powell, Danny McQueeney, Big Stu, Keith Clayton, Phil Chad, Roger Hankey.
6 - Greg, Ian Langford, Baggie, John Evans, Shaun Carter, Jim Powell, Liam Brownhill, Rabbit.
7 - Tom Green, Dann Stuart, Emma Weedall.
8 - Rosie Westland (29 goals), Phil Brown (31 goals).
There were 37 goals scored so congratulations to Phil Brown - the winner.