Predictions 16.10.07

2 - Tony Warlow (wasn’t a good night for ALL the Warlows!), Steve Morton (hic!), Roger Conneely, Andrew Chesworth.
3 - Pete Riley, Neil Wilson, Jeff Powell, Len Holman, The Pritchard Enclosure.
4 - Dave C, Pete Lyon (only 4?), Mike Nelson, Graham Prew.
5 - Dave Matthews, Graham Edgeley, Andy Chad, Mike Turner, Ian Watson, Mark Lyon, Graham Crouch, Alan Potts, John Powell, Danny McQueeney, Big Stu, Keith Clayton, Phil Chad, Roger Hankey.
6 - Greg, Ian Langford, Baggie, John Evans, Shaun Carter, Jim Powell, Liam Brownhill, Rabbit.
7 - Tom Green, Dann Stuart, Emma Weedall.
8 - Rosie Westland (29 goals), Phil Brown (31 goals).

There were 37 goals scored so congratulations to Phil Brown - the winner.

And Liam Brownhill actually did better than Le Peter Leon ;D

I am never going to hear the last of this, I am almost pleased that my dearest didn’t get the goals right as well!!!

It looks like Emma has pulled her socks up from Saturday or has perhaps had some extra tuition since then!!!

Obviously a night for the ladies!!!

Hahahaha! Go on Rosie! ;D


How unlucky was I to miss out by 2 goal difference, I feel like I did when we missed promotion last season!!

The Rabbit is going to have to try harder next time!

We expect Si to be rampant on Saturday and to get all his predictions correct…